Unusual Ways to Come Up With a Home Down Payment (2024)

Most Americans want to own a home, but the hefty down payment required to purchase a house makes buying property a difficult hurdle for many to overcome.

Banks and other lenders often seek a down payment of 20% of the purchase price for the home. If you pay anything less, you'll need to buy private mortgage insurance (PMI). PMI is insurance that protects the lender if a borrower defaults, which is when a borrower can't make any more payments. The PMI goes away once the mortgage is under 80% of the purchase price of the home.

For those looking to buy a home, PMI insurance adds to the monthly outlay of cash for payments. PMI payments are non-recoverable expenses that do not pay down the principal balance of your mortgage. On the other hand, coming up with 20% of a home's purchase price may take years to save up for, especially in hotter real estate markets.

Potential homeowners have plenty of options for obtaining these savings goals. In this article, we review some of the most common methods used to come up with the cash needed for a home down payment.

Key Takeaways

  • Most Americans want to own a home, but the required down payment can make owning a home difficult to obtain.
  • Potential homeowners can come up with the down payment by getting a part-time job or borrowing from family.
  • Family members can also contribute gifts of lump sums of cash, though there are tax considerations worth noting for gifts.
  • Downsizing to a smaller apartment—saving rent—can save thousands of dollars per year.
  • Programs can help, such as the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which offers mortgage loans through FHA-approved banks.

Look for Down Payment Assistance Programs

Most people who don't have enough for the down payment accept private mortgage insurance as a necessary evil without first checking if they're eligible for assistance. For example, many banks have their own programs to help those looking to buy a home. It pays to check the local banks in your neighborhood.

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers loans for low-to-moderate-income borrowers through FHA-approved banks or lenders. The mortgages are backed by the U.S. government, meaning the lender doesn't have any risk. As a result, borrowers have more favorable treatment with FHA loans versus traditional mortgages. For example, you may only need to come up with a 3.5% downpayment versus the 20% that banks typically like to see.

If your credit history isn't perfect, FHA loans may also help since borrowers with a credit score of above 580 can qualify for the program. A credit score is merely a numerical representation of a person's credit history that includes factors such as late payments and the number of credit accounts.

Veterans and active-duty military can also get help by qualifying for VA loans provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA loans or mortgages require zero down and typically offer a favorable interest rate. States also give consumers down payment assistance through a variety of programs.

The United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development offers single and multi-family home loans with zero down payments. There are also programs geared toward encouraging people to purchase homes in a particular neighborhood or region.

Tap Into Benefits for First-Time Buyers

Coming up with a down payment is particularly challenging for people who have never owned a home before, but many incentives exist for first-time buyers. Furthermore, more people qualify for these benefits than you might think. If you haven't owned a home in three years or only owned a house with a spouse, then you can access incentives for new homebuyers. You may also be able to get these benefits if your only home is a manufactured home that is permanently affixed to a permanent foundation.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) supports programs for first-time buyers, and some states have first-time homebuyers savings programs. With the accumulated interest, the savingsaccounts could potentially help some buyers save for the down payment on their homes at a faster rate than they would have been able towithout the account.

First-time homebuyers can also take up to $10,000 from a traditional IRA or Roth IRA without the 10% early withdrawal penalty. What is more, there are programs to help Native American first-time homebuyers. Do not assume you cannot afford a down payment just because nobody in your family ever owned a home. Also, be aware that demanding an overly high down payment can be a sneaky way to discriminate against minorities.

Mortgage lending discrimination is illegal. If you think you've been discriminated against based on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps you can take. One such step is to file a report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Supplement Your Income With a Part-Time Job

Unfortunately, one of the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis and the ensuing Great Recession is that banks no longer offer no-income verification loans, zero document loans, or mortgages for 100% of the home's value.

These days banks and lenders require income verification and a debt-to-income ratio of no more than about 43%. The debt-to-income ratio is a metric that measures how much of your monthly gross income goes to debt payments. For example, if you have $5,000 in gross income and make debt payments totaling $1,500 per month, your DTI is 30% or (($1,500 / $5,000) x 100 to create a percentage). Debt payments can be from a mortgage, student loans, and credit cards.

Some lenders will accept a lower down payment, but borrowers might pay for it in the form of a higher interest rate. Borrowers that put less than 20% down for the mortgage will pay PMI, which can cost nearly $100 per month on top of the mortgage payment.

As a result of the more stringent income requirements, would-be borrowers may need to get a part-time job to supplement their income. The extra money should be placed in a savings vehicle to be used only for the down payment.

Sell Some of Your Belongings

People ready to take the step into homeownership typically have a lot of stuff they've acquired along the way. Those things may seem worthless to the owner, but that old car or piece of furniture might be what someone else is interested in buying. Selling used goods can help supplement your income and raise much-needed cash for the down payment. The Internet makes it easy to sell everything from clothes to electronics. Some of the sites let you do it for free while others take a cut of your profit.

Downsize Your Lifestyle

If you want to free up cash to save for a home, downsizing your lifestyle could go a long way in saving money. For example, you could move into a smaller apartment or studio apartment to save on rent and utilities. If your two-bedroom apartment has a rent of $1,200 per month, switching to a $600-per-month studio will save you over $7,000 annually. If you're a couple with two cars, perhaps selling one of them to cut down on car loans can help cut expenses. Even cutting back on dining out or buying a coffee can add up and steadily increase the amount you save.

Lenders will want to see a gift letter that confirms a lump sum provided by a family member is gift, not a loan that is to be repaid in the future. This legal document must be signed by the donor.

Ask for a Gift From Family

Asking family or friends for money may not seem like the ideal option. However, if you have a favorite aunt, grandparent, or cousin that has a lot of cash, it could be a win-win for both of you. If you're gifted some or all of your down payment, it will not only be a good deed, but they can get a tax write-off from it.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows people to give gifts worth thousands of dollars per year tax-free for the donor and the recipient. The gift tax exemption depends on the amount gifted. In 2022, the annual exclusion for gifts was $16,000, and the exclusion will increase to $17,000 in 2023.

Please check the IRS site for any changes in tax laws before accepting cash gifts. If a gift is out of the question, ask to borrow the money, and come up with a repayment schedule that also includes interest.

Do I Have to Put 20% Down for a House?

There are many programs and lenders that accept less than a 20% down payment during the purchase of a house. However, there are several downsides. First, lenders will usually require borrowers to pay for insurance (PMI) until they reach the 20% equity level. Second, lower down payments result in higher loan amounts, increasing the required monthly payment sought after by the bank.

What Is the Minimum Amount for a Down Payment?

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages require down payments of only 3.5% of the home's price. In addition, VA and USDA loans are two other government-sponsored loans that may be secured with no money down.

What Is the Rule of 36?

The rule of 36 is guidance on how much your monthly mortgage payment should be. The rule states that no more than 36% of your gross income should be attributable to debt, and this includes your monthly mortgage. For example, if your gross income is $10,000 per month, your total monthly debt including home payments, car payments, credit card debt, student loans, and other debt should total no more than $3,600 per month.

How Many Times Salary Should My Mortgage Be?

Lenders often allow borrowers to incur debt roughly 4 to 4.5 times their annual pay. For example, if your annual salary is $100,000, it's most often advised you pursue a mortgage no more than $400,000 to $450,000.

The Bottom Line

Homeownership is the dream for many, but the down payment may prevent some from realizing that dream. While coming up with thousands of dollars may seem impossible at first, there are many non-traditional ways to raise cash for your down payment.

Unusual Ways to Come Up With a Home Down Payment (2024)


Unusual Ways to Come Up With a Home Down Payment? ›

You can save for a house by using high-yield savings and CD deposit accounts, cutting back your spending elsewhere and looking for down payment matching programs. If those strategies aren't enough, you might also consider asking for a raise at work or even moving back home for a while to cut rent payments altogether.

How can I make enough money for a downpayment on a house? ›

You can save for a house by using high-yield savings and CD deposit accounts, cutting back your spending elsewhere and looking for down payment matching programs. If those strategies aren't enough, you might also consider asking for a raise at work or even moving back home for a while to cut rent payments altogether.

How does someone come up with a down payment for a house? ›

You can use money you receive from an inheritance, settlement, trust fund disbursem*nt, lottery winnings, family buyout or even a gambling victory, as long as you document it well enough. Give your savings a boost.

What to do if you don't have enough for a down payment? ›

How to buy a house with no money down
  1. Step 1: Apply for a zero-down VA loan or USDA loan. ...
  2. Step 2: Use a first-time home buyer program to cover the down payment. ...
  3. Step 3: Ask for a down payment gift from a family member. ...
  4. Step 4: Get the lender to pay your closing costs (lender credits)
Feb 7, 2024

How much money should you put toward your home's downpayment responses? ›

Home sellers often prefer to work with buyers who make at least a 20% down payment. A bigger down payment is a strong signal that your finances are in order, so you may have an easier time getting a mortgage. This can give you an edge over other buyers, especially when the home is in a hot market.

What is a piggyback loan? ›

A “piggyback” second mortgage is a home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC) that is made at the same time as your main mortgage. Its purpose is to allow borrowers with low down payment savings to borrow additional money in order to qualify for a main mortgage without paying for private mortgage insurance.

What is the lowest acceptable down payment on a house? ›

A conventional loan down payment could be as little as 3 percent. FHA loans require as little as 3.5 percent, and VA loans and USDA loans have no down payment requirement at all. Most homeowners don't put 20 percent down.

What credit score do I need to buy a house with no money down? ›

A USDA loan is insured by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is meant for low- to moderate-income home buyers. The USDA doesn't require a down payment and doesn't set a minimum credit score requirement, though most lenders will want borrowers to have at least a 640.

What is the best example of a down payment? ›

Down Payment Example

Now, let's say you put down 20% on the $300,000 home, which is $60,000. With a 20% down payment, your total loan amount would lower to $240,000. Using the same 7% interest rate, your monthly mortgage payment would be around $1,596 – excluding taxes or insurance costs.

How to get money for a house fast? ›

Do: Consider a down-payment assistance program. National, state, and local programs can help provide a down payment for homebuyers who meet credit, debt, and income qualifications.

What happens if you do not have a high enough down payment? ›

A bigger loan: Putting down less upfront means borrowing more to make the purchase, which makes for higher monthly payments and more interest paid over time. Higher costs: Your mortgage interest rate and loan costs could be higher if you put down less upfront.

Can I buy a house if I don't have enough for a down payment? ›

It's possible to buy a home without a down payment. You may be able to qualify for a zero-down-payment loan through the USDA, the VA or a state housing finance agency that doesn't have a down payment requirement.

Can you borrow money for a down payment? ›

In some cases, you can borrow money to make a down payment. However, you should carefully consider that option since borrowing your down payment would increase your overall debt and your monthly payments.

What are the disadvantages of a large down payment? ›

Drawbacks of a Large Down Payment
  • You will lose liquidity in your finances. ...
  • The money cannot be invested elsewhere. ...
  • It is inconvenient if you will not be in the house for long. ...
  • If the home loses value, so does your investment. ...
  • You might not have the money to begin with.

How much do sellers usually come down on a house? ›

The amount you may want to reduce your home's asking price depends on many factors, including the median price in your area, what comparable homes nearby are selling for and the length of time the home has been on the market. According to a Zillow study, the average price cut is 2.9 percent of the list price.

How much down payment for a 200k house? ›

Conventional mortgages, like the traditional 30-year fixed rate mortgage, usually require at least a 5% down payment. If you're buying a home for $200,000, in this case, you'll need $10,000 to secure a home loan.

Is $10000 enough for a down payment on a house? ›

Conventional mortgages, like the traditional 30-year fixed rate mortgage, usually require at least a 5% down payment. If you're buying a home for $200,000, in this case, you'll need $10,000 to secure a home loan.

What's the minimum down payment for a $300000 house? ›

The down payment needed for a $300,000 house can range from 3% to 20% of the purchase price, which means you'd need to save between $9,000 and $60,000. If you get a conventional loan, that is. You'll need $10,500, or 3.5% of the home price, with a FHA loan.

Can I borrow money for a down payment? ›

In some cases, you can borrow money to make a down payment. However, you should carefully consider that option since borrowing your down payment would increase your overall debt and your monthly payments.

What if I don't have 20 down payments? ›

While a 20 percent down payment is the traditional standard for purchasing a home, it is not mandatory and there are loan options that have much lower minimum requirements. Private mortgage insurance will likely be required with a down payment of less than 20 percent, which will add to your monthly payment.


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