The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)

PAGE FOUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1982 Lautenberg Loose With Facts EstabOahad 1884Pvblishdby Tlnrn Graphic DaMy axcapt Sunday at 22 E.Vina St. CARL H. JOHNSON, PUBLISHER 1336-1975 PUBLISHER'S NOTEBOOK BENJAMIN J. BURNS RONALD A ORTIZ Marketing Dir. JOHNM.

EW1NG Ck.Mgr. and Associated Press a 73 BEN a man suggesting bow to categtf-rize your worries and problems so they wouldn't disturb your daily life. He observed, "for example, I never think about Richard Nixon anymore except when I am wash- ing my hands." Tonight is. the last night for "How to Succeed in Business Witte out Really Trying" oh the Glass- boro State Frank? Loesser and Abe Burrows musical is a little dated, but the Joint pro-: Ject of the Administrative Studies Division and the Speech-Theater-" Dance departments is excellent. As a one-time theater critic I got" the same sense of fun and good times from the student cast that I got when I saw Robert Morse and Rudy Vallee in the show years ago.

1- Blair Goold in his first major role in a musical showed comedic genius that should serve him weU in the career he seeks in theater after graduation. And Jack Bloes-er as the lead stood up extremely -well to comparisons with professionals like Morse. If you are looking for a fun time tonight try to get tickets. If you can't get there you might watch for some of the future programs this season from the Division of Fine and Performing Arts. The play properly commemorates the loth anniversary of the Administrative Studies Division.

he has given Jobs and helped up. the ladder than by advertisements trying to destroy his opponent's image. I am disturbed that the world of politics seems to be modeling its ethics on exactly the same footing as Richard Nixon. If Nixon speaks for the mass of political leaders then it is no wonder that the voters don't go to the polls. "The citizenry of this country may be indifferent to certain elections and certain issues, but they aren't dumb.

They are smart enough to know that if the choice is between a skunk and a rat you are' better to spend your time doing something else. When I first started out in the business of Journalism I wrote a political column after Nixon's California post-gubernatorial defeat press conference in which he told the media: "You won't have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore." My sentiment was it was a good thing because Nixon's political style in those early years was to besmirch reputations and sling mud with a sanctimonious expression. I concluded politics would be better off without him. I later kept a copy of that column in mind when Nixon sanitized his political act and made his comeback rise to the presidency. I felt It showed how little political pundits knew about the field The television advertisement says that U.S.

Rep. MUlicent Fen-wick has cost New Jersey college students 20,000 student loans. The point being made Is that If you think New Jersey students should have loans you should vote for businessman candidate Frank Lautenberg for the Senate. The facts, according to a Philadelphia Inquirer analysis, are that 20,000 fewer student loans were Issued this year in New Jersey. But any student who wants a loan and can prove financial need can get one.

Under current regulations you have to have a family Income above $70,000 a year to be excluded for a student loan. Students from families which make $30,000 or less will get loans if they apply and those from families in between $30,000 and $70,000 have to show financial need. It would appear that despite the fact that Lautenberg Is In his first bid for political office that he has studied the life and times of Richard Nixon and already read the proofs on Nixon's new book, "Leaders." Nixon observed In a recent interview that a president is not always lying in an immoral sense when he says something he doesn't believe. As a candidate, he said, "you have to dissemble, you have to recognize that you can't say what you think about (an) individual because you may have to use him or need him sometime in the future There's a lot of hypocrisy and so forth in-political life. It's necessary in order to get into office and in order to retain office." Lautenberg also attacks Ms.

Fenwlck on Jobs for New Jer-seyans, a subject that Is obviously near and dear to the hearts of most of us. His ads assert that her vote against legalized gambling In Atlantic City would have denied Jobs to 90,000 people. I'm not interesting In quibbling with that figure even though it is based on estimates by the resort hotels that they employ 30,000 and that causes 60.000 iobsTis-assocl- ated Industries. Let's Have Free Choice The Issue of increased hours for taverns and package stores gomes before the electorate Tuesday. The crux of the matter is two-fold: should Millville businesses be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday and should the residents of and visitors to Millville have the right to consume alcohol in taverns on Sunday Liquor is available seven days a week in Vineland, a scant quarter-mile from the nearest alcohol-serving restaurant in the Holly City.

At least one restaurant owner has told of having patrons leave his establishment on Sunday after learning they could not be served a cocktail or bottle of wine. The proposal, which is endorsed by the Millville Chamber of Commerce and the Millville Licensed Beverage Association, is opposed by the Millville Ministerial Association, which wants to forbid Sunday alcohol sales to preserve the sanctity of the Lord's day. If all of Cumberland County was "dry" on Sunday we might be inclined to keep it that way. But it's not and the people and businesses of Millville should not be penalized. The Chamber of Commerce feels the purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages on Sunday should be a matter of Individual choice, and so do we.

We support Sunday openings and, if the referendum passes, hope the Millville City Commission will then allow restaurants, taverns and package stores to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday should they desire. If and when there are Sunday hours, we urge the Millville Police Department to keep its ever-watchful eye on drivers so the end result of increased business and convenience won't be increased injuries and fatalities. Citizen Groups But Ms. Fenwlck cast that vote not as a congresswoman, not as a state legislator, but as a private citizen in a statewide referendum on whether casino gambling should be legalized. Lautenberg's ads also state that Fenwlck sponsored a bill to cut minimum benefits for Social Security.

The fact is that a compromise measure, sponsored by Fenwlck, provided for elimination of the statutory minimum but only for those of us who start drawing Social Security after December 1981. And what does all that mean anyway? It means that if your income is great enough you proba-' bly don't need the $122 a month minimum. I don't know who will win the New Jersey senatorial race, but I have a strong wish that all candidates would stop playing fast and loose with the facts. Lautenberg has substantial reasons to support his bid for the seat vacated by Harrison Williams. He is a successful and competent business executive and has a fine reputation as a leader and manager among the folks who work for him.

I would be more Impressed by television advertisements Inter- viewlng-sorte of those people who Serve Cost-Cutters Ax Job Programs, Too MERRY GO ROUND Jack Anderson they were covering and the politi cal life expectancy of a person like -Nixon. I guess I now wonder why are we bothering with Richard Nixon and who wants to read anything he has to write anyway? While he sliced up his image long enough to get elected president a couple times the man has never changed his spots. He is a searing indictment on the quality of our political leadership in the second half of the 20th century, Perhaps the best advice on how to deal with Nixon was offered by rison Schmitt, Alan Dixon, and Arlen Specter, R-Pa. The other program that's being starved for funds with questionable legality is the Agriculture Department's $35 million effort to find' Jobs for food stamp recipients. Before the administration axed It last April, the program had put 78,000.

people to work in one six-month period. But Agriculture's Job-search program is being turned over to the states. Even if the financially hard-pressed state governments elect to pick up the slack, there will be a lapse of at least nine months before their programs get under way. Assistant Labor Secretary Albert Angrisani told my reporter James Crawford that WIN Is "an Ineffective program," and cited a recent report by the General Accounting Office as evidence. The GAO found that Labor "significantly overstated WIN accomplishments." But the report acknowledged a high success rate 36 percent of the participants CHARLES S.

BENNETT Man. Edrtor GLENN R.NICKERSON Edrtor JOHN T. KEANE Production Mgr. MY VIEW EDWARD SALMON ffy The writer, an administrator In the Millville school system, la running for, re-election to the Cumberland County Board of Freeholder. He Is a Democrat.

This Is another In a series of My View columns by freeholder candidates. individuals of different backgrounds, experiences and talents. They are also Republican, Demo crat and Independent in registration, but have one major ingredient in common a desire to make our county a better place to live. As a Cumberland County Freeholder, 1 am proud of these Individuals and their record of dedicated service to our county. I would respectfully ask for your support and vote for Ed Salmon-Jim Qulnn for freeholders on-Tues-day.

If you have a story to tell or a point ol view to express and It' longer than a letter to the editor, send. It to Chalky Bennett, Managing Editor, The Millville Daily, 22 E. Vine St. Please enclose your name, address and telephone number. We'll be happy to print It so long as It Is In good taste.

SURVEY Laura Salter "I want to be the Pink Panther because I like to watch him on TV. My mom has to make It." County 4 I found it hard to believe that our Republican opponent was opposed jTssfiT of commissions and committees In county government. For that reason I had to reread our opponent's statement In the Oct. 22 Issue of the Atlantic City Press In which he stated, "I don't believe In commissions or committeei." This certainly Is the wrong atti--. tude for anyone who wishes to serve In public office.

As a former mayor and presently as a Cumber- land County Freeholder, I have al-' ways supported the involvement of as many of our citizens as possible on commissions and committees. In fact, the Individuals who serve on our commissions and committees are the most Impor-' tant Ingredient in good, democrat-Ic'government. We have over 50 different com1 missions and committees In coun- ty government. Most of these boards and their members are listed In our 1982 County Directory. The Agricultural Board, Blind and Visually Impaired Council, Communications and Training Center Committee, Cultural and Heritage Commission, Disabled Advisory Committee, Office on Aging Advisory Committee, Private Industry Council and the Advisory Board for Retired Seniors Volunteer Program are Just a few of the many volunteer commissions and committees.

These boards are comprised of over 300 responsible citizens of our county, individuals who donate their time, talents and efforts in the best Interest of all the citizens of Cumberland County. They are saved for every dollar spent not counting the Income taxes paid by WIN placed workers on the $2.3 billion they earned In 1981. WIN did more than Just provide Job referrals. The program also removed the obstacles that discourage welfare mothers from getting Jobs, by arranging for child care, vocational training and transportation allowances. Despite the evidence that WIN was a winner.

OMB tried to wipe it out of the 1983 budget. Congress not only refused to go along, but appropriated $35 million to keep the program running while next year's funding Is being worked out. The Labor Department thumbed its nose at Congress by sending out telegrams on Aug. 4 to the states which administer WIN forbidding them to spend any money except for "closeout costs. An angry bipartisan group of senators wrote Labor Secretary Ray Donovan protesting the decision.

They Included Mark Hatfield, chairman of the Appropriations Committee; Har cess in business by really trying. It started with 150 students the fall of 1972 and now has an ear rollment of about 1,500 majors In, business and public administration. Glassboro's Management Institute has provided reasonably priced courses and advice for small businessmen in South Jersey. At Times Graphics we have sent a number of our bright young managers to programs at The Institute and find them practical and worthwhile. I recommend them to you.

found Jobs and concluded that WIN would have placed many more Jobs except for "funding con-, straints." In other words, the admlnistra- tion was making Its claim of WIN's Ineffectiveness self-fulfilling by cutting of fits funds. CASHING THE HASH: Here's' an update on the hashhish trade run by an unholy alliance of Christians and Moslems out of Lebanon's Bekaa. Valley, on which I reported earlier. A secret U.S. Intelligence report says the narcotics trade is booming, and explains why.

For one reason, "there have been no serious law enforcement efforts against hashish cultivation and trafficking in the northern growing areas' of the valley. For another, "major Lebanese growers have become unusually active in contacting and re-establishing ties with large-scale hashish traffickers" since the 1975-76 civil war. Finally, according to the report, "the apparently increasing de-. mand for hashish in Western Europe and possibly the United States has necessitated Increased supplies from producing countries." The dope trade has a bearing on' Lebanon's chronic political unrest. The secret report states that "Intelligence was acquired (which) Indicated that Western narcotics brokers were arranging to trade large supplies of weapons, to Lebanese Christian factions In' return for multi-ton quantities of-hashish." DantdWeUb "I want to be the Woifman be-J cause nobody won't recognize me they're going to say wbo'i WASHINGTON Aside from myself, perhaps no one believes more strongly in the work ethic than Ronald Reagan.

One of the rockets that boosted him Into the White House was his expressed belief that welfare is not only wasteful of the taxpayers' money, but demeaning to the recipients, who would rather work for a living than exist on government handouts. Unfortunately, President Reagan is being 111 served by his Office of Management and Budget. The false economizers at OMB are sabotaging two eminently cost-effec- five programs that have been putting welfare recipients back to work and taking them off the public dole. The OMB penny-pinchers may even have "violated the law rjy refusing to spend 470 million Congress voted to help food stamp and welfare recipients become self-sufficient. Even If the programs weren't working, the administration's impoundment of appropriated funds Is of dubious legality.

But, In fact, the curtailed programs were successful; they were making productive workers and taxpayers out of people who had been living on welfare checks and food stamps. One of the scuttled programs is called Work Incentive or WIN. Last year, on a budget of $389.5 million, It helped find Jobs for recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This saved the government $1.2 billion In AFDC payments, food stamps and Medicaid. It works out to $3 What are you going 1 Kka4Fara "I want to be Spiderman because my mommy bought me that one." "Western School kindergartene to be for Halloween? KIDS' rnnf Paul Hand "I'm going to be Dukes of Hazzard because I have a Dukes of Kazzard suit.

Then I'm going to change Into a scarecrow. GmgrKlnc7 "I'll dress up like i clown. I like clowns. They scare everybody. Maybe, I be a lion.

JennL'erGandy "I think I'D be Wonder an. I like to watch her on It's my best show.".

The Millville Daily from Millville, New Jersey (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.