Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)


Box Alma. Wl 5610 Apply Jp person: curT6vvN inn 120 Watt Grand. sOt-0987 12 Offlce-ClericAl FO YOU tWfOR.MATtO4 classitlad advartisar using a ertrtrerisd so Xlessaied Farwe Straet. 6au Ckw-e. Wl 34701..

tegeititi unth a bet at those tVms you OO NOT uxent to tee your atilitntlnn. or wot ao tnlrii it tna cs ana vau gat our tutf err SECRETARY FOR KINSHIP OF ST. CROIX COUNTY, INC Mutt bo E. Aicohon doodlino Novtmber 3. 1978.

Corrtoct Personnel Deportment. Watt CAP. Box 308, Glen wood City. Wl 34013. Phono 715263-4271.

Equal Op-porhmfty Employer EXCELLENT TYPIST Able to trrxiiLiHit from dictaphone a must. Medical knowledge helpful. Soma wars) with mturanca. Full time m- 'leose send rsumt to Box R-767. sou Chsir Leoder-Telegram.

701 $. Forwoll SI. Eau Clairo. Wl. 34701 TEMPORARY HELP WANTED.

14 telephone hostshostesses lor weeks temporary work in Eau Claire office extending Buono Dinner of me Month Club invitation. Housewives, college grads. recent high school grods. Avon sales people, etc. Salary plus daily bonuses.

Average earnings to $133 per week tar 2 shifts. Mornings (9-1), afternoons (l-S). or evenings (5-9) shifts available. Apply 9 a.m. 9 p.m.

at the Eau Claire Motel (next to Buano's) or call collect 715-834-6133. Also wanted I experienced telephone hosthostess copoble of manoging. SECRETARY MEDICAL STAFF Excellent opportunity loir on mdivid-uoi with previous secretarial exporter: ond a good knowledge of modkeri terminoiocrv. Hours ora Dri- marity Mondoy Friday, 8:00 4:30 with occasional evenings. Complete oanatitt package and cometitrve mar' fl salary program.

For further ki lontMjtion contoct: PERSONNEL ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL 2661 County Trunk I Chippewa Falls. Wl 54729 723-1811. ext. 360 An Equal Opportunity Employer 13 Trades-Skilled MECHANICAL DRAFTING Positions available.

Minimum two years men scnoot mecnanicot anting reauin Apply at: FVE. Inc. 122 Main Rica Lako, Wl 54868 715-234-7611 SIGN PAINTERERECTOR Or parson with sign shop experience Young parson pratorrad. 834-5127 8 A.M. 5 P.M.

QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC 3-5 years experience. Sand ratuma to P.O. Box 87 Ookdola, Wl 54649 nusxaar oat. wtia deeir protect their aenSMy. can toMow chit aracedura: cloit your reoiy to tha Box ui on It ilnpt KEYBOARD TEACHER Wanted ior private and group organ and psorso instruction, snasartartcad I phon BOX 0 0-585 r-Tleorom 701 S.

Farwall. Eou Ciotra. Wl 54701 PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATE POSITION WITH BLAKELEY'S, INC. Wa otter tna best training pi avaiiabla (Tom Hopkins). Wa oi the lor pell reiocattna service and thaw top priority in managing and guiiding now associates so the Highest level oi ochiovornent ond ssTKotfie.

Mew office focilitios in near future. Gill Mike Tomtor, Monooer for cowfioentiol in- 34-9221 ImfnedvOte openeng for registered ttvrse. night swpenrieor, in SCAH SO bed gerpero. hosortal and 30 bed mining home. S.S.

in nursing re outred. preferably with three yeors of supervisory experience. Salary ond benefit comntensurote with education and experience. Excellent hinge benettts. Contoct: PRSONNa DEPARTMENT ST.

AAARY'S HOSPITAL Sporto. Wisconsin 54656 SPELLING AND SMEUING Now located tne Mor-Americo ewileV mg tot the Putnam Heights Shopong Center. 600 Lexington, lie ensea, 834-2300. REGISTERED NURSE Day shift. Immediate opening.

Contoct Martha Moore, Director at Fall Creek Valley Nursing Home, 877-2411. Fall Creek, Wl 54742. Professional Employment Service Inc. 1719 Fairfax. Solem eo.ldtno Room 102 licensed.

Coll for appointment, 835-4358 GROWTH AND EXPANSION has created openings for inaHviouots to troin tor monogement positions with our growing 230 store shoe chain. Selected oppliconts will have the opportimlty to take over management of their own store after one year paid training progrom. Excellent opportunity to build sound, secure future in retail monogement. Some college bock' grouna netprui, out not. necessary.

Contoct: Mr. ftrond at the Nobil Shoe Store. Undan Square Moll. Eou Claire, TV I iockson County has 'an opening for the DTMltisfWI ftf PERSONNEL TECHNICIAN Duties include administration of the County personnel system, Ceta program, and Affirmative Action Pro Uuaiitications required; degree in Business Administration. Personnel Martogement.

or related field, or equivalent experience may be substituted. Salary commensurate with experience ond training. Submit resumes oy Novemoer ivo to: Personnel Deportment, Courthouse. Block River Falls, Wl 54615. Equal Opportunity Employer DENTAL HYGIENIST lor modern dental practice.

Flexobie hours. Menomonie. Wl 235-2211. LOCAL FIRM Hasan opening for a Programmer Analyst Pay negotiable. Excellent benefits.

CONTACT STEVE CAFLISCH At Job Service 418 WlsconsinSt. Eau Claire, Wi. S470I Equal opportunity employer DISPENSING OPTICIAN Excellent woges ond fringe benefit program. Including health, life, dental Insurance ond profit sharing. This is a career opportunity with excellent chance for advancement.

Please reply In strict confidence to: Mr. Carl M. Hoiden co SHOPKO STORES INC. 95S West Clairemont Avenue Eou Clolre 832-7723 WANTED BEAUTICIAN Ml andor part tim. Reputable shop.

Centrally located batwaan Chippawd ond Eau Cloira. Immodiata opening. 834-5382 or 723-4197. FIELD COORDINATOR Dynamic person to work with civic groups and media in nine-county area, for human service organization. Must have good communication skills anda basic knowledge of media.

CETA eligibility required. Inquire Job Service 418 Wisconsin St. Eau Claire, Wi. 54701 Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAl NEEDED 2 Days Per Week 834-4620 AGENCY MANAGER Male or female for Aoency Manager position in the city of Men-omonie for Eau Claire Laodar-Talograni. Work will consist of total distribution in the city of Menomonie.

20 to 24 hours per weak. Raltobta transportation is needed-Sand roiustt so: BOX PK co LEADER-TELEGRAM 701 South Farwell St. Eou Claire. Wl 54701 MOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR FULL TIME WSI Certified SWIMMING INSTRUaORS At me YMCA Apply In Person -At VMCA Desk. COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS Wisconsin employers ore sosfcing experienced 360370 coervputer program-tors.

Fees, mterview ond relocation expenses ere potd. Vow ewst forward typed resume, by moil prior to interview. Send resumes' to AMERICAN SEARCH AND PLACEMENT, Box 1201. Eou Claire, Wl 54701. Vou will be colled to orronge for a persenaf interview.

A -licensed private eriwloyment service. ALL FEES PAID WANTED DENTAL ASSISTANT Exporionco proforrod. or will train. Requires outgoing personality. Excellent beneiitt.

834-5841. 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. only. Monday through Friday.

DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time position Sand ratuma to Box JT-419, Leader-Tel eg ram. Eau Claira, Wl 54701. 16 Part Time Help Port time carpenter 8 hondy man. re-Hrod mon prater rod. 8M-7808 L.P.N.'S Immediate openings for part time P.N.

s. Areas include Medical ond Oncology. "16 to 32 hours per week, excellent salary. Contoct: Personnel Director SACRED HEART HOSPITAL 900 W. Clgiremont Eou Claira.

Wl 54701 -715-839-4246 Equal Opportunity Employer WANTED: PERMANENT part time credit report lor a notional credit reporting firm. Send resume to: Equifax Services P.O. Box 1083. Eau Claire. Wl S470I.

DRIVERS NEEDED To deliver monthly publication to area high schools. Must have van, covered ptck-up or cor ond trailer. Mileage allowance. Call Pat Bruer at 834-3452. MAN OR WOMAN to service established paper route in rural Eou Claira area each Sunday morning.

Mutt hava dpndabla transportation. Writ P.O. Box 1041, Eau Claira, Wl 54701. NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? Part time work with full time pay. Rubbermaid porty plan Is now opening up in your area.

There's no pocking ond no delivering. If interested in dating party, becoming a dealer or momiger please contact: P.O. lox 736. Marshfteld, Wl 54449 or call collect 715-384-4663. HARDEES Is looking lor part tim day counter popt to work 1 5-30 hours par wk.

Monday thru Friday. May hava summers on desired. Contoct Judy at: Job Service 418 Wisconsin Straat Eau Claira. Wl Equal Opportunity Employer MORE $8 Add to your income by working part time evenings and weekends. Prefer marriea person, con eje-ow e-v r.m.

PART TIME situation Ideal tor mothers. Helping with sale 8 setting up clothing displays. 3 evenings. $62 part time or $123 full time. Coll Town 8 Country Fashions.

Cumberland. Wl. 822-4618. 17 Situations Wanted Will REPAIR OLD radio and TV sets Coll 835-1708 offer 6 p.m. Two women will do cleaning.

832-5909 or 835-8958 ORDER YOUR holiday outfits todayTwiil tew your special fashions lor you. Call 839-8236. OFFSET PRINTING BINDERY Exporiofftcod protjsfiaon woodod Onty omBjrioitcad. i.fH mmmd MASTER LITHO tO Bos 176 Appletun, Wl 34911 414-731-3161 SOUNDCOMMUNICATIONS INSTALLER KnowUoge ol wired tnutic systems. Wa offer: Security Good Pay Trasntng Insurance Coverage Resiremont Proarom Sand complata resume and quoli-fK at torts to: SOUND ENGINEERING SERVICES rVO.

Box 47' Eau ClOira, Wl 54701 UTILITY GENERATOR OPERATOR WANTED Person to work at a municipal ganarating plant in Cumberland, Wisconsin. Experience in this line of work desired-. For more information regarding work benefits, wages, etc i or write Robert Nesvold, Clerk CUMBERLAND Municipal Utilities Cumberland. Wi. 54829 PHONE 715-822-2595 Or after 5 P.M., 715-822-4671 SEMI DRIVER With ovar to rood oxporionco.

Mutt meet D.O.T. requirements. HR01ICKA ENTERPRISES Rt. 7. Chippewa Falls 723-1171 PRESSMEN Wanted Experienced 612-529-9697 Ask for Mitch Press Time 2530 N.

Second St. Mineapolis, MN 55411 14 Sales Agents BUILD A CAREER WITH CATHOLIC KNIGHTS INSURANCE SOCIETY 832-2111 ELECTROLUX NEEDS man and woman for Solos ond Sorvico. Opportunity $200 Wsok to start. Apply 832-3566 An Equal Opportunity EmploytK M-F MONEY MONEY MONEY! Immodiata opanings for port and full timo omploymont. Earn hourly.

You" choos tha hours. Car and phon required. Coll 832-5826 or I3-V46-J35J, or wrila Box vr-w, leader-Telegram, 701 South Farwall, Eau Clair. Wl 54701. Full Timo SALESPERSON For women wear, Eau Claira Writa Box VP-217 leodr-Tlegram, 701 S.

Farwell Eau Cloira, Wl 54701 SALES OPPORTUNITY Looking lor something bolter? Want chance to earn or buy part interest in a growing million dollar wholesale business? Do not reply unless you wont a future in sales, willing to travel in Wisconsin I or 2 nignts away from home each week). Must be willino to I earn a business from the bottom up a desire to be a leoaer ana reiocare in a smau community. Write Box JT-420, Leader Telegram, Eau Claire, Wl 54701. CAREER OPPORTUNITY WITH PHYSICIANS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY A leading company tinea 1902 in neaifn. disability, ona lira insurance.

We need a licensed experienced indi vidual to servo our many policy holders in this area. Wa will offer professional represantativas: 1. Weekly Loads 2. Top Commissions On Health, Life And Disability Sales. 3.

Monthly Invested Ronewais. 4. Group Life And Health Insurance lor Employees 8 Family. 5. Training Program.

6. All Types Oi Health Plant (Includ ing Approved Medi-Cara Supplement) For interview call or writa: AUGIE BOEHM Divisional Manager "2519 E. Clairemont Parkway Eau Claire. Wl 54701 715-832-5336 Wisconsin Mcsrsufactuiet oi high prat- porton to demonstrate. Mil and service conspltn hna of eovtpment and cleonmo.

Overmcois 1st tha Eau Clotro and susrosfidng area Aoom- rt mutt hava awn veruci. Tfut ts a ccutseMstion. Pteose opph dtractfy to t. i. somen r.O.

Box 526. Woukatha. Wl 53187. FURNITURE SALESPERSON Immodiata opening with local furniture cctmpony for salesperson. Experience proforrod but not nocostory.

Excel lent fringe benefits and salary commensurate with ability. Reply to Box VP 213. leador-Toio-gram. 701 South Forwoll. Eau Cloira.

Wl 34701. SALES-TECHNICAL Walar treatment or industrial chemical experience preferred but not itacottory. Will train right porton. savory, commission, oxparttos. cor.

Reply to Box VP-212. Leoder-Telegram. 701 South Forwoll, Eou Cloira. Wl 54701. AVON YOUXL ENJOY RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS Bucomti on Avon Umprm Seotrtrvj.

Enjoy Mlling owolity proowcts in territory euioriod to vow. SeH your own hours ond tofti oood mortoy. toot Storting, i no mors than SIS. Opmnmgt: StrsMtt: Vino, 6th, Washington; Avmtwt: Sherwin, Cast Grand. CoHtold.

Skl, 3rd ond Locust Lono; Ararat: County AA, Alton. Altoona. tVCKksrrt ond CleMihorn. .911 ror information. LADIES Moke morvoy from rvomo.

Evs-rything supplied. Merchandise, Victor Anton Company, Merrillon, Wl 54734. COMBINATION SALESPERSONWRITER lor outdoor newspaper. Part equity available. Stova Henry Rout 6, Chippawo Falls 54729 GOOD PAY1 GOOD FUTURE! GOOD BENEFITS! You con torn high Income per yeor.

You'll work a five day week ond will be supplied with everything you need to succeed: modern light weight truck, oil merchandise, complete set of buying, customers, oil expenses to oper ate your route, ond complete training with pay. You will be protected by Blue iross ona motor MedKol msuronce; vour income will continue it vou ore sick or hurt even If occurs when you ore not working. Paid vocation of up to three weeks first yeor. Profit snoring, retirement, ond much more. Your future is unlimited.

No layoffs in 75 years Good pay. Good future Good benefits WRITE: BOB FULKERSON, 832-9731 MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 8 P.M. TO P.M. -ROAD STAR INN 1151 MocArthur, Eou Claire, Wl 54701 COLOR SEPERATI0N SALES. Rapidly expanding, modern Milwau kee color seperator seeks ogaressive sales person tor western ona Norm-western Wisconsin-Minnesota area, Previous experience desireable.

Call: C0L0RCRAFT INC. 414-442-1344 PLAN A CAREER WITH MUTUAL OF OMAHA, 832-9701 Equal opportunity employer M-F HARDWARE. SALES PERSON Man or woman for lob opening in hardware sales. Experience in hardware line or farm background pre erred. Must be neat and enjoy meeting people.

Send resume or stop by and complete application. CENEX 337 Park Avenue Chippewa Falls, Wl 54729 15 Professional WE WANT To ioln tha fattest growing Real Es tate company in Eau Clair. Wa or oiiaring training ior qualified liconcod applicants, urn JANEWAY REAL ESTATE NOWl 834-4464 LOOK AHEAD If you are looking ahead to a better life and career opportunity, are ambitious, ostertiva, honest and sincere; we have a ploce for you. Immediate openings for licensed applicants. Call: L.L.

Stewart, Inc. REALTORS 834-6664 COORDINATOR FOR' KINSHIP OF -STr CROIX C0UNTYr4NC- B.A. or J.S. DEGREE IN SOCIAL SCI ENCE or ralatd Hold andor equivalent axparianca. Mutt P.S.E.

aligible. Application deadline Novambar 3, iva. contoct rortonnei Department. Watt CAP. Box 308, Glenwood City.

Wl 54013. Phon 715265-4271. Equal Opportunity Em ployor. RN WANTED Part time, day shift. CONTACT MRS.

BECK. 832-1644 1st year average $16,000 business in Eau Claire and Problems? Call One Of These Experts for Service' pis. $7-JISl MAMCM omai: tee Xlmt: 'W EAU CLAIRE MENOMONIE AREA FARM A lovely ioM focotoo) only 9 M4eS fast of Minonomi or ISailtt West at taw am an iocs: top. ImI tond wr 14 tUk HXMTtoni ho 24 ttoht wrth deonert. te now 40kW the), almost now 22xCT crib, granary silo.

Ttstt is oopod farm wtrh excellent loculsuis. Sailor wiH tsnonco with $15,000 down, boionco $3,000 par yaar on principla pu interest. Bottom at and oi 15 yaar. Total erica $166,000 wall worth lha prica. HE1T REALTY.

INC. Durond. Wl 54736 673-4224 108 Farm a Wanted MtosPtcnvf buyer fom minne soia Wonts tana with 300 acres. CaH Dove 83-7447. STROUT REALTY Inc.

33CS London lead, Eou Claire. Iiquini tar 110 Farm Equipment VERY GOOO John Otere-30 comotwe tor sole. A-l threoohout. $50: also front mounted anew plow. tit* tmollor Ford tractor.

huill outy. II dry oak hrswood, $30 race cord delivered. Wonted: 250 Lb. boar pig. 473 FARM EQUIPMENT Gtaonor combina with 4-row com hood and 13' grain hood pickup $6400 Now Idao 311 com kit or $2000 John Door 237 com picker.

$1100 Gehl Chop King 188 with 2 -row com hood ond hoy hood LaMoine Anderson Rt. 1, Strum, Wis. 54770 Phone 878-4088 Of 695-3704 THREE KMMT73" rolotillw. Now. mutt soW Wfiw8jwHoff 634-5200.

EAU CLAIM IMnjMENT. INC. Hssxiqworters lor Schutti PTO mamtrm spreoders litne Giant ilovBjtors. Uwm prkes in rJO. ftt.

6, Cow Ooire. rnont: tu-t-Wdfi, 390 BUSHd groin cM botch dryer, soM-loading, yeors id. Con see in operation. OSETZ BROTHERS. Eteva.

287-47SS or 287-443. DAK ON GRAVITY BOXES Wood trot, picker; 1466 and -tOtt IH liucfort with cob, A-l, low hours: 1BS9 Oliver with cab and low noun: 30S IH combine ond cob; somf ntowrvt plows front 4-1 to titer, chisel piowt; hoy feeders i feeders. and pprtabla big bow KOTHBAUER SALES SERVICE 5 ml. W. at Mondavi an Hwy 10 926-5403 $30 JONN DEERE With loader 833-2571 111 Farm Product HIGH MOISTURE SHfUfO AND CO CORN.

CAN 0UVER JERRY ANDERSON. $34-3982 EAR CORN I SHELLED CORN DELIVERED Eugene Phillips, Durond. 672-544 GOOD EAR CORN: Shoilod com; oots; soybean moot (44): straw, alfalfa hay Will dalivar. Reasonable. BOB GAARD.

Elliworth, Wl. 273-4651 WANT: WHEAT OR OAT STRAW, picked up in Mml loads. Payment guorontaod. Call or writ John Henrlcks, Bo $77 Arlington Haightt. IU 6006: 3I2-2U-0I83 lit Crop alfalfa 600 botes.

$100. Evenings and weekends 233-0291 112 livestock WANTED: HOL5TEIN caws Hoifora To froshon within 90 days Joss Millar. 229-2202 before 9 A.M. WANT AT ONCE: COMPLETE HERDS Of dairy cattle: also opon brad ond springing hotfart 715-397-2449 HERD Of TWENTY-TWO HOLSTEIN Milk cows, tri-stata brooding for ovar 30 zo-aje I PUREBRED DUROC hoar ola for solo. Approximately 500 pounds.

879-5137. FOURTEEN HEREFORD and Hereford Angus cross txowt, brod to cotvo May. 79. 715-825-2277. WANT TOSUY: HOLSTEIN HEIFERS CALL LARRY.

LENTZ FARMS. INC. Rldpsland. Wl. 34763: CALL 949-1378 PUREBRED Yorkshire boars: American, Irish.

Dutch, Gqjmon Canadian biooa-. linas. Irish landroca avaiiabla soon. Marlin Johnson. Durond, 715-672-5711 TOP HERD of 25 rogjstorod Holttain diay flllU Bab.

.11.. mub. 715284-9716. FOR SALE: A hard of 36 Holttoin caws. 31 milking 1500 lbs.

par day. 3.9 last. tinanca cows. Fax Vallay Rt. 2.

OaPsra. Wl 414-336-7000. 300 HEAD of frash springing and brsd- back cows and hoifars. Prica $700 ond up. dolivarad.

Sao Claronco C. Ackar, 606 836-4764. Mlddlaton. FOR SALE: Ona Guamsoy hoHar duo to froshon Fobruary. $330.

Phono Comor on, 438-2006. 113 Wanted to Buy REFRIGERATORSFREEZERS Working or not 83343692 onytima WANTED TO BUY: Lara capacity rotary manors' iproadar. Old doctor's top buggy and cuttsr. Sylvia Murm, St. Ong.

South Dakota. 603-578-2712: WANTED TO BUY: Boat or baaf cms coif. 6T93093. Notices 1 Lost Found LOST: NEEDLEPOINT CANVAS i 832-1579 LOST IN SHAWTOWN AREA, black 8 whit mal nautrd cot wearing flaa collar and baby blue collar. Child's pat.

Coll 834-3071 days. IF Y0UVE LOST YOUR PET Call Animal Shelter, 834-5222 LOST Mala SVttiany whit with or-ong. Rd collar, answers to Dina. South of Eau CMra on $3. Cost 2 miles on Frosa Rood.

832-2163. FOUND-. Handmade poncho, near $acrod Heart Hospital. LOST: MALE, neutered, dec lowed cat. Orange striped ongoro with collar, childs pet.

last between Fall Creek Altoona on SS, Dear Park Addition. 835-6827. FOUND Black lab female In Fall Creek oraa. 877-3102. 2 Mortuaries Smith Funeral Chapel Ms D.

Steven Smith 2222 London Rd Phono 832-1141 4 Special Notices WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION Ploato check your ad me firsl day ft runt. wa hove made an error please call lha office by 3:30 p.m. the tamo day. Wa will correct your ad for the next day and giva you an extra day without Thaaadllna for m-column classified advertising It 3:30 p.m. the day prior to first Insertion Monday thru Friday.

Ba- new -Scmjcdoy momin I go to prase eany, in order to have the papers in yo by 8 a.m., the clastHled staff longer be eveHoble the a ,111 IX Mfflee on Saturday morning to take ads for Mon- Monday It 3:30 p.m. on Friday. Ads taken between 3 30 and p.m. an Friday will appear far the first lima an Tuesday. Far vau convenience, wa will take can- rtlons up to 9 a.m.

an Monday nine and out "Results" an your ad. Wa willelse continue to toko "Too lata To Clattlfy" ads up to a.m. In order to hatp our advertisers and readers get the most from tha Want Adt In tha Leadar-Tolegrom. wa reserve the right to piece adt in the proper ctassl-. ffefltienj.

To ptaca your Clastrfied Adt caH: lha WANT. ADVISORS at 834-3471 EXrElrC0 EASY CfiASTi eume (est replies rnnlirlinliul) I VP-208. leader-lesegram. TOT Fin. Eau Clave.

Wl 34701 HELP WANTED WELDERS TIG SHEET METAL WORKERS Pleote oppty at parson 8.00 A-M. so 4:30 rjt DeLaval Eva-Dry Division 1600 County Rood Hudson. Wl 5016 An Eajual Opporturtily Employer IMMEDIATE OFFICE -POSITION To be filled. Dapandobility and the obtlity Ho loom ora ffvo raquirarnonts. Contact: Dalora GUNDERSON CHEVROLET Osseo, Wisconsin Wonted FULL TIME FORK LIFT MECHANIC Contoct Dewey link at tha Float division MENARD'S INC.

874-5921, Ext. 55 SERVICE MAN. Won tod for modular ond mobilo horn lot. Knowlodgjo of olodrical wiring, plumbing, ond finishod carport try. Alto ftomo lovoling ond gonoral fix-it oxporionco rcossory.

Mutt hovo valio artvon ikon so. HOLIDAY HOMES Ask lor Paul 835-0568 TOUR ESCORT Exporionco proforrod but no nocostory. Port timo position. All inquirto confidontial Contoct: HOLIDAY TRAVEL 834-5555 batwaan 3 8 5 only BAKERS Can you bake? Come tell us. We presently have bakery positions in some of our northwestern Wisconsin area stores.

These opportunities are for successful applicants. Good working conditions and almost a free hand with their baking expertise. Wonderful country living, good pay and a good benefit program. Can you bake? Call us at: 612-938-3521 or writo NATIONAL SUPERMARKETS, INC. 1515 Excelsior Boulevard Hopkins, MN 55343 An Equal Opportunity Employer 259 Insulation MEIER HOME REPAIR INSULATION BLOWN MINERAL WOOL GENERAL Home 6 Prooertv REPAIR 24 Yrs.

Experience: North Rd, Eou Claire 878-4165 Is your heat going through your roof? Act now before the cold settles in. Blown attic insulation at low prices. Ambitious hard workers. Call anytime. 833-7838.

CLASS 1 attic insulation. Buy the insulation-rent the blower, or will do it. TRI STATE INSULATION 839-6306 263 Landscaping WANT A Beautiful landscape plan for your homer we specialize in planning. FREE ESTIMATES. Alpine Land scape center, csfs-e 1 1 COMPLETE yard installation from grod- iTtfj iv ajajuiisu, kakj i iu ea uirua.urviirssi.

Treellne Corp, 835-2433. 286 Misc. Service Cabinets, Vanities, Painting, Decorating, Formica-tops, Remodeling. Additions, Repairs. CALL JACK 835-9143 YE OLD CHIMNEY SWEEPE Randan Podorson, Prop.

832-6317 CONCERNED about your CHIMNEY? SO ARE THE FIXER provide responsible maintenance Chimneys inspected cleaned, Rapaired, Artistically restored. MiKelly, 832-2869 FOircf Soot ond creosote can cause a chimney fir. Have yours cleaned now. Experienced Call Steve. 723-7166.

YOUR SLAVES ARE BACK Wa do Hauling 1 Odd Jobs. 834-0980 294 Paint Paper PAINTING Town ond country. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Work guaranteed. Coll after 6, 835-9696.

DO RITE PAINTING 8 WALLPAPERING -References, quality at a prica that con't be beat. 835-3263. 8 PAINTERS Wallpaper, Texture, Wood finishing Uuolity work, bjs-amj or ouO-uo44 FAST A-l WORK 27 years experience. Interior and exterior. Free estimates.

832-5943. MARGIE'S DECORATING WALLPAPERING 8 PAINTING. Insured Commercial 8 Residential. 833-9461 before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m.

Anytime weekends. 299 Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING WHITE'S MUSIC SERVICE 834-3020 REGISTERED CRAFTSMAN PIANO TECHNICIANS GUILD PIANO TUNING, $20 ASHER MUSIC, 715-695-3676 319 Roofing HA'TIGAN ROOFING. Industrial, com-mercial, residential. Repairs. Hoi asphalt shingle and roll roofing.

Fro estimates, longatt guarantee. 875-4747. 329 Septic Tanks CUT RATE SEWER SERVICE PHONE 832-9051 334 Snow Plowing SNOWPLOWING Drives, parking lots. ate. easonable.

833-9801 612 7P9-4777 $AU '7I4 $. uas AM. 640 PJV IA ESTATE SALE IS! AMOERSOM 87 veers .4 on. Oak bissss. roand pstnial fHRJPT SALI Skis, rifle, ksnt.

ok- ham- MOVING THRIFT SAU: Early American afa bed and mukJaiM chair: and lamp fable: ledies clothing size 874-51 17. HUG MISCtlLANEC-Jt fHRIFf SALC: Wednosday. Thursday. 616 Davis Ava- n7 $AU Jupiter Avenue. Bunk etas, csoawng.

extra large hunting s. lots of me apoaral, ceilanoc THRIFT SALE 315 Eatt Grant Thursdar-Saturdey. 9:304:30 Friday. Nov. 3 A 30 PM.

First Presbyterian Church 2112 RuovUmS, i4 Special Features Kiel Features Include: Uke shop: pack a bag of thrift sale i the last hour tar 23': caHee MALUE AREA THRIFT SALE: 9:00 5:00, November I. 2. 3. mile West of Farm 8 Fleet. 723-0206.

THRIFT SAU 2603 VaLmoot Avenue. Altoona Addition. Drapes. beige: many miscellaneous Herns. weantiaa) -Friday, ROOM FOR FEW more ladies in morning ceramics doss.

Tuesdays, 9-12. For mora ewormotwo. pnono KK-6334 1714 REDWOOD DRIVE Sale. Valuable arenas and gktsswaro; tew cl stsa lz-14; tome new fabrics GARAGE SALE: 1009 E. Grant Avenue? 10:00 6:00.

Left-hand golf clubs: antique choirs: picture frames; com- plata lavatory; new laundry tub; good miscellaneous. GARAGE SALE: Dining room table. 6 choirs: chain saw; coats: lockets; winter clothes: miscellaneous. 1527 MOVING SALE. 1332 Woodland AvonueT Friday: 4-8.

Saturday Sunday: 9-5. Cedar chest, crib, oak table, single bed. lot of knlck -knocks, soma antiques, miscellaneous. MOVING SALE: From mobile home to hom*o. 1313 Badger Avenue.

I PAIR BLACK and white love seatsT special dauxulur mod. $330 pair: Jim Beam colleclobles: 12 Van Gogh sunflowar pattern glosses, never used, 4 Marty Grot gtossas ond decanter, car series: I Olds, I Jewel, 2 Volkswagons. 2 1909 Thomas Flyers. 2 slu*ts Bearcats. 2 model Fords.

I Olson racer, many older Beam collectable, bottles. None hava been aponed. Chrittmat decorationt, wroatht, center peicot, door hong Ingt. ladles clothing extra large tize, numerous other articles. Friday, 8-6; Saturday.

8-1. North of Chippewa Font on 178. to Eogio Rapids Drive, turn right for I mile. Fir No. 1338.

723-0160. THRIFT SALE 1808 Curtis Street. oil burner, ruas. furniture some an- Hauos. bedspreods, boys ctothet; car wneeit.

miscellaneous. THRIFT SALE: Clothes, miscellaneous. Maytag wringer washer. 625 N. De- wy ttreet.

2514 Fairfax-South of Mart i thru Saturday ist rmscatianaous THRIFT SALE 3118 Runway Avanuo 820 GRAHAM AVENUE Garoge Sole: Friday and Saturday. 9-5. Maternity, baby, youth ond oauff clothes, baby bed, wicker table, Many '23c items. THRIFT SALE. 627 Hudson Straat BAsem*nT THRIFT SALE.

1111 Western Avenue. Friday, Saturday 8 Sunday afternoon. Lamps, clothes A mis cellaneous. MOVING SALE Saturday 8 Sunday Miscellaneous Items 2807 Richard Drive THRIFT SALE 2147 14th Street. Friday Saturday.

Ladies, misses, mens doming, miscellaneous. GROUP BAsem*nT SALE: Saturday. 10:00 5:00. Sunday 12:00 4:00. 2703 Thomas Drive.

omens childrent clothing; boots; snow suits; mens Coats; books; toys: fresh crofts; household Items: ond more. 5 Personals SUSPECT YOU'RE PREGNANT? Fro Pregnancy Tests BIRTHRIGHT 34-1144 DEPRESSED? Nowhere to turn? Phone 834-6040. Suicide Prevention Center. (This notice sponsored by mental Health Aes'n ki Eau Claire County) REDUCE SAFE FAST With GoBese Tablets E-Vap "water pills" Pharmacy West, 1526 Bellinger -Eau Claire LOOKING FOR entertainment for your Christmas or Now Year's Eva party? Call now while dot or still open. For details.

834-2318. Employment 10 Care WKJ. DO RABITTING. my home. Will pick up child and bring home, will feed lunch.

This is a learning center home. Please coll 874-5977. Eau Clair area. 0O YOU WANT TO GO OUT OF TOWN AND NEED SOMEONE TO CARE FOR YOUR LOVED ONES? TESMER FAMILY SITTING SERVICE VY mov ond babysit your family vrhll you're gone. Experienced with references available.

Husband and wife team. Available day. week, month. BABYSITTER needed for 2 small chil dren. Occasional nignts ana ween mmim enas.

eircn jrieei wwj- v-iit. BABYSITTER WANTED for 7 month old Infont. Various hours. Menards Shopping Center oreo preferred. 674-fe25.

11 Stores-Restaurants EXPERIENCED DEPENDABLE FULL TIME BARTENDER Apply in porton al: AUSTIN'S WHITE HOUSE from p.m. PART TIME DAY AND EVENING WAITRESSESWAITERS Apply in person THE WESTERNER Hwy 12 4 1-94. Eau Claire EXPERIENCED CHEF Moctarn supper club, top wogat. Mutt bo naat ond ombfttous. Apply In parson: JERRY'S STEAK HOUSE Rica loka i Wonted Full rim dayt, tamo week ends KENTUCKY FRIED -CHICKEN East Ctoh-a 20 IS South Hottlngt Way Full Time HOSTESS Evenings waakand Mutt apply In parson FIRESIDE RESTAURANT 3S31 HoYtdridtiofi Drive B3S-73V7 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSER Full or port tim Dayt and nlghfi avaiiabla Apply in parson THE BROTHERS THREE Chippewa Foils net.

est lamps, essny aid awk- al new estserwl. etwass. paliu ions, latent, esc Mi. tie, starea console, uk eew. eaMsss, MANAGEMENT MARKETING TRAINEE Excellent earning potential 1 2 year intensive training program in our home office Opportunity for advancement and management in an established and progressive company Excellent fringe benefits If you have a 4-year college degree and are willing to relocate CALlfe4-3181 D.L.

AUSTIN October 31, November 1 2 4 P.M. 9 P.M. 206 Awning Service DRESDEN'S WINDOW. AWNING CO. CANVAS ANO ALUMINUM AWNINGS Custom Service By appointment only Phone 833-3883 weekdays offer 4:30 OUR 25 TH YEAR IN EAU CLAIRE 210 Bulldoring-Excav.

BULLDOZING ANO EXCAVATING. Reasonable rotes. 43 years' experience. Call for FREE ESTIMATES. 832-6461.

SYK0RA EXCAVATING Basem*nts, rood testing. 368-4384. 723-3296 oftec hours. 919 Psmonter U7srlr DOiTIONS. custom framing 8 finishing, custom cobinets, block laying.

Insurance iobt, remodeling 8 avpoir. 12 Yeors experience. Lorry Lyont. 04-3340 CARPENTER WANTS remodelina work. Alto doat painting 8 furniture building.

5 yeors experience. B34-7099. RINOAL'S HOME REMODELING Additions, rsrpoirs, painting, wallpopor-fng, cloonlng. Quality wont. 635-2374 BUILDING OR REMODELING Frank C.

Dusick Call after 3. 834-9085 COLOR ROCK CONSTRUCTION Anything in Romodoling or Repairs PHONE 835-5064 DUSICK CONSTRUCTION New Horn Construction 8 Remodeling GERALD DUSICK, 832-901 1 BUILDERS Remodeling, addition. Dry wall hung, toped 8 textured. 237-2994, Bloomer. 214 Carpeting CARPET 8 VINYL REPAIRS Fringing, binding, steam cleaning Leo's Carpet Inc.

217 Clock Repair ANTIQUE CLOCKS repaired 8 restored MOYER'S WATCH 8 CLOCK SERVICE New location: 29 W. SPRING ST. Chippewa Falls. 723-6162 218 Cement Work CHIMNEYS BUILT 8 REPAIRED Masonry Concrete Work of all kinds 877-2736 or 834-4403 CONCRETE WORK All KINDS Garoge slobs our specialty, basem*nt floors, walks, and drives, etc. Best price In town, fro estimates.

834-2227. FOUNDATION WORK And AH Types Of Cement Work 723-7004 219 Cooling-Heating V. E. H0FF AW CONDITIONING HEATING 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS PHONE 833-8336 220 Construction SHEET ROCK WORK. Hanging, taping finishing.

New remodeled. 723-2868. 252 Grading SITE-WORK LEVELING Excavation Backfilling 832-6461 253 Hauling LACK DIRT. Fill dirt, shale and gravel. Alto, gonotol dump trucking.

Phon 832-6461. FREE HAUL AWAY 01 Unwonted Refrigerators 8 Freezers Kio-gova gay or ntgnt FREE: WlU HAUL away cars, appliances, Anything metal. Mutt easy access. -CLIP 8 SAVE.w. 834-8389 EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS Wanted immediately to in Plum City, Elmwood and Ellsworth area.

Excellent wages and benefits. Send resume BROWN BUILDERS INC. Rural Route 6, Chippewa Falls, Wl 5472? Phone 723-2141 An Equal Opportunity Employer SALARY SALES POSITION Established Territory Salary plus commission, to $17,000. Average $22,000 plus potent la $30,000 Car furnished and expenses paid Top Training Excellent benefits including fine pension USED CAR SALES We are opening a new used car office need 2 used car salespersons. We will hire male or female, high school or college education, experienced or inexperienced.

A sincere desire attitude to sell used cars from the largest inventory in the area is all that is necessary. We offer, salary plus commission, demonstrator, clothing allowance, gas allowance, health plan, plus pension plan. Please apply in person at: Bob Willow Motors 2000 Stout St. Menomonie, Wl Take over prestige surrounding area you have a successful background, good education and current employment CALL 834-3181 D.L. AUSTIN October 31, November 1 2 4 P.M.


Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.