Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

128 Leodr-Tlgram Thurtdoy. August 9. 1979 NEAR MINNESOTA Plywood or. 58 Misc. for Ssle rte: M.

iilnptu Mpa. $145 3i rat (ENIAl. ImtfCTOay. 1771 man-WAPEHOOSCS PCX A UZt ptCK-A-pejCE Hwy. 12 Meet Co teraaa 874 ll 41 Apt.

UafuraUtxd "HALLIE DUPLEXES" Lata Hvmt Vltn trmm tntoy privacy and comfortable living, load oi storage. Two vaar old I a oc noaKrwoJLump. Throa voor oid saptk tystom. CIom proximity to Attoona boot. Only lU.Wt 8M-6647 Eau vim if MET p.ono.

waMut. Icaa over botanca oi poymant. M-65S5. LESSONS IN YOUR HOME mnoguwer Eee Oewa 008 Opt OQ98 SCHMITT'S OLD-FASHIONED SALE Naw and Ud Imtrurnant) At YtMtaraoy's rmcES Daha $54 50 Yamaha Guitar Strop. aSc Chrome Twirling Sotom $2.50 As i Cometi $30 Pianos ond Organ Many Miscellaneous Accessories SCHMITT MUSIC CENTER 403 S.

Borstow 832 5564 letwue. Eon Gain, end Owppewa. nxwr oexotwod aoiochoa JANEWAY Al ESTATE. MC 34-4464 "ABBE Hill VILLAGE" DELUXE APARTMENTS tar rant no slort at $200 por month. teOMtrfui view, tanna courts, pool.

JANEWAY-RLAL ESTATE. MC. 34-4464 207 175 S4I Garmorua. bdrm upper $145 JANEWAY REAL ESTATE. INC.

834 Wl or 833 3723 Ask tor Gene HOfnSeiR GARDENERS! Late summer and fall harvesting is here, and bur new freezers will never be priced lower! 20 cu. ft. $288" 15cu.ft.Chest...$248" Limited Quantities, So Hurry! flU CLRIR65 mmt' "Tohi2oTotui iTh inoti Yl'sV POT MM, rMT tW IHvnl tm J71. 1 SEMoOm DUtHEJC My 4ipB.it. retereri ieUylane lec-7 no im.

oo- MAU, AHEA Aailobla Sepi.mc or I 2 bedroom uuujneoiil 850 so it $200 loath, no lease reoutred Ntca woooeo seating, plenty at parking. CENTURY 21 dtkfc Faattiar Root iV iota. UK. KMOOO. ONE MMddM in ik Mound- ackra SISO month.

in SsSO two KOtooat rofrioorotor. tow twrnnhajL hoot an wolor; S23S nonth Mwt or 34t)'4 Oorotonio. 2 bodroom t. ModiMn I 4 1 bodroom 1222 Oiiord. 1 bodroom 1704 Oxford I bodroom I72t lATino AltaBM 7 narnnM AmIm 2235 4th Straol.

I bodroom 21 1 '4 WiKontm Srroot. otitcioncv 4114 Wooiunoton. 2 bodroom 3004 iovorly Hnte Omt. 2 duoloi o34 N. lantoio.

I No rotoronto. roquirod. KI2-7aO UNFUtNISHEb Twd KMOOM duplos I. II 75 on lltti irroot. Gorooo.

no pott month. Mcvrity dopovt. 832 4 105 THREE lEOUddM 16WE on tirch troot. tr OS-oiSO atlor 5:00. Rot oronco.

plooto. 190 utililio. poid. 2. bodroom lowor Hot.

no Ioom. RENTAL DIRECTORY. 1723 FoirhM. 34 3134. WEST SIDE 4-PIEX oportmonti ovoil-oblo Cktobor I.

197V. lorga I bodroom 2 badroom $200 mo. plus utilitias. Nko location, but torytco, plonty of parking. CENTURY 21 Chick Foathor Rool E.lolo, kx.

834-6000 SUNSET APARTMENTS DoImko two bodroom oportmor Wo.1 Sido; corpotod. all KJoodrj ond focilitio. ovoikablo. Immoojdto occupancy. S2O0 month plu.

Socurity dopo.it. No loaso. REAL ESTATE 834-5713 or 834-0357 mVk I bodroom oportmont. Privato ontronco. Norm Kdo, hoi cold wa ter, garbage turni.hod.

S35 9382 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX North noatoa, garbago tarvlco turniahod. I1W month. 878-4480. 3 BEDROOM liroploco. patio, gorogo.

I0ia lit Avenue. Avail- oblo Joatomber IM. S230. 832. 7886.

OJ VB6, otter 6. STUDENTS 2 bodroom lowor, on Chip. naillrl (trdbmit lainn raernrntej tituuw isr DOOpiO. 93 B'lO aivii oach AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER l.t. Moatod.

air conaitionor. corpotod. ttovo. rofrio orotor. hot wo tor, garbogo Mrvko winiinfg.

socroa noon nospitoi oroo. no STuaonts or pott, M. 932-9032. GOFF AVENUE. I bodroom uppor apart.

unrurniinto, v.oii ottot r.m. B34-039I. LIVE LIKE A KING Gracious living con be your, when you own thii Third Word brick two ttory hom*o located on Lincoln Ave noe. hom*o feature, largo foyer with ppan ttoirway. huge living room with iirepiace, iu4u it.

tun room or don, formal dining room plus lorge kitchen with eatina area, full bauHiwit rm. contly rewired, large 165 ft. lot ond too many feature! to mention. Don't delay this it a one of kind property priced for quick sal at only $74,900 CHICK FEATHER REAL ESTATE. INC.

221 1 E. Clairemont Ave. 834-6000 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED OpEN hoUSE TONIGHT 5 -8 iM. 1717 rioronc Annum TOOK HOSTt Cly4 toyll MADY TO SI OCCUPIID. Brand new carpeted ranch home, accented wbrkk.

Patio and deck in back. 3 bedrooms, bath oH master bedroom besides additional hill bath. Exposed basem*nt window lor future expansion. Yours for DIRICTIONSt West on ComeroJ Street until Florence Avenue, look fori sign. See you therel- 874-6647 et.

II. I NORTH S1DC on bedroom AmW waaar aaiawin an- Cm. xaeel tor 4 OPEN HOUSES Thursday, August 9 6:00 8:00 P.M. Stihl Chain Saws jAaSON CHAIN SAW Sates end Service It. I.

Cluppewe 723-2166 DON SMITH SALES: Bankrupt Stocks- Closooutl lioiirtntion. Open Monaoy Shru Froy. Saturday unaoy 14. Rt. 5.

Ouppewe. LARGE QUANTITY stoefcyord lumboT 3xes 8.. 10.: catMe troughs, bridge timber. 1-612 489 9044 BUILDING SUPPLIES. lisod Itjiwber.

stool. po: p4uwb'na hootri9. elec tricot doors oil htrtds. wenotow. gioss blocks, wood, stool (rues, sawdust baior 61? SLENDERIZERS RENT ojr boft vtbrosors.

oxorefso eye Us. RAossogo rollors ond Slander Corns. A I fifNIAi, CtNItt 834 2727 HUGE STOCK of surplus ftobby up-pltos. Trains, tnodols, otc. Soo at: MORGAN MUSIC WAREHOUSE Across horn K-Mort VELUX ROOF WINDOWS Cootd eTMSio your attic tho most plaosanl room its your hom*o.

Soo our disptoy. 9 diHorortr suos. No mora oxponsivo dormors to burld. Windows fit right into roof. Call or stop in today.

WALKER INC. 6 Piatt St. 835 3161 CAMPBEU HAUSFELD air compressor. I '4 hp. twin cylinder pump.

50 h. of hose. $175. 832 6853. ALUMINUM MAG WHEELS American Hurricane 5 bolt pattern, fits all Chevrolet and CMC 2 wheel drive units.

Four 7'4xl5 ond two 10.15 $240 set. Chetek, 924-347? collect, otter 6 Sea our large selection of ji el opinaie riex turning For Room Dividers, Bookthelvss, Etc. Charlson Bldg. Center 97 W. Moditon 835-5144 USE0 ELECTRIC MOTORS All siies to 5 1800 to 3600 I p.m.

PHONE 723-7760 WRECKED. JUNK or diioblod cars and trucks. Top prices, will haul. Ron Goss, 832-8299. USED RAILROAD TIES Toy'B Auto Salvage, 834-0677 CUSTOM MACRAMAE Your pottorns or mirtp.

Jocfclo, 075-4412 JUNK CARS- WANTED CALL 875-4513 OAK FIREWOOD FOR SALE 878-4415 9xl0'4 DEEP BLUE nylon carpet. 13x14 burnt orange nylon carpel. S-spood Collogiale Schwinn bike. $60. 834-3845.

after 6. 2" MINI KITCHENS serve coHoo. too! soup or Sanka. Coll 835 8931 botwoon p.m. end 4 p.r 5x5 STEEL OVERHEAD gorogo door with hardware.

$10; wood burning stove, front or top looding. $50: stool filing COMPLETE TWIN booVoorn sot. bookcaso hoodboards. chost ot drawors with mirror 4 night stand, wolnut finish. White kitchon sot with oval toblo 4 matching chairs.

I loaf. I dosk choir. Coll 835-9282. OAK FIREPLACE WOOD FOR SALE. 677 3206 35 POUND CAN al Amoco groasoTW: gun filling grease dispenser.

air shocks for Mopor. $9. 832 9011. MAPLE TWIN BED CARTQP CARRIER 832-9877 window AiR Conditioner 21.000 blu s. $125 Coll 832-6130 FOR SALE: 30 gallon gas water hooter.

$50. two years old. 10x12 tent, usod only once. $50. 832-3637.

CARPENTER'S tOOl BOX. for ton pickup. Full or empty. 832 5809. HEAVY DUTY utility trailorTbaffel wood stove.

Presto air cleaner. 835 6543 MODERN' shaped bar. 30' long. Ideal tor smoll tavern or resort, ovoiloble immediately. Price $500.

Phono 832 0468. UPRIGHT PIANO. $I2S; ook dresser with isu. aaveno ooa. SOU Moy- log wringer washor.

$40. 832-2243. 36 x80" Aluminum storm door with screens. Jtight hand. 832-1152 after 5 P.M.

window air Conditioner riding lawn mower, snow mobile trailer. 14 snow tires. 10' formica counter top 834 0345 FRAMAS 12 tiring guitar, two years old excellent shape: poid $250. best offer Chippewa 6' Insulated hiking boots, site 9, brand now. $35.

Soft top lor Jeep CJ-5. usod four months, ex. cellenl shape; $150. 723 9101 from 8 723-5932 oftor 4:30, ask for Jim. EFFECTIVE AUGUST t.

All solos toViTI be tax exempt. THOMPSON vjc. oux oroooway OJ-40UV IN-HOME SPRAYING water fountain. nana-moae pottery, must socrofice. $65.

835-2571 HP Johnson motor $50. camper sloops 4 with port a-poHi. hordtop $500; 17 ft. fiberglass canoe $175: snowmobile twin trailer $150; 1969 Artie Cot Panther snowmobile $275. 835-1584 after 6 P.M.

HOUSE tA it MOVED. 24x24, with enclosed porch. ottor MAN'S GOLD WEDDING bond brood FIREWOOD Summer discounts, 874-5468 ''ioht' Mok. Ihom a beau, liful sight with Blue lustre. Ront electric thampooer THOMPSON'S True Value.

Thorp MEANS AUCTIONS IT HAS FOR OVER 45 YEARS Owner paid dey of sale in most casos Cash advances available Liberal on-the-apot ctedit for qualified buyers Call the Thorp man first! GLEN HEIT Durend, Wl S72-4224 Thorp I ORP SALES CORPORATION 14)1)4. lane. CoM titim tUHlt lAACKlfT bove refria-eretor twi iii.i .4 naerence. mcwt- ti miited. Coot 832-7547 a 834-7447.

leEMOOM HOME dooo m. onNona firoploco. reoo. large let. mce tromoao- Avett- M-847S.

or 8324048. EXECUTIVE tENtAl. utnam kogllli. 4 beareomo. large kitchon, tormel dm-ing room, onrlnnd ookk.

roc roam. 2 plu. control on- $400 per monm. e34-24 day 834-8308 eva- NCHTTM SIOE bodroom Kome. on buoline.

Noar ochool. oocurtty aepooit. 832 JO4. WEU HBJ HOUSE HUNT! $125 wood furnace, pot. fine $160 Rouen welcome, iiihmt good $175 Cory huge woodod oroa $185 2-badroom.

den. nice area $200 epaciow. tomiiy, appliances 1723 FAIRFAX, 834-3134 RENTAL OHtEaOHV TWO (EOeooM Koum. 604 Keim it: $150 rent. $75 depooil.

No pen. NEW TWO bedroom appliance, included; custom tuily carpeted, central air. tun baooment. patio ott oVung area; water included: gorogo: ovoiloble September lu. Security dopooil required.

$285 month. ejO'iouo. NEWER THREE bodroom ranch house coroelod: Wmi Sioo htm- $235 per month. Deposit ond 43 Sleeping Rooms HOTEl EDWARDS Downtown Eau Claire Free Parking UIOI OJ-4 I I WEEKLY RATES Electric hoot modern, comfortoblo efficiencie. CLAIREMONT MOTEL Dial 832-761 1 or 832-7808 WORKERS SALESMEN TRAVELERS Day.

week or permanent. INN TOWNf HOTEL 78 Wisconsin 834-8621 AVAILABLE 8Y ThE wfpk Large and smeller otfkiency units: alto HILLSIDE LOLXpE ROOMS" Clean, quiet, light cooking, showers TV, laundry facilities. New man agement. 013 Wisconsin St. KH-YOOT or 832-9191 SLEEPING ROOM WITH ilehen privi twyu.

now ouwine. remote prererrea 834-3292. 45 Mobile Home COZY ACRES MOBILE VILLAGE Spociou. lot. for ront Low monthtv rnl.i Isl I3lh MONTH FREE RENT.

835-7662. MOBILE HOME FOR RENT In Elk Mound Call 879-5531 or 879-5105 BEDROOM mobile home. 10k60, $I5S monm. ueposlt. Cory Acre, on O.

Call 12-2 p.m. or after 8 p.m., IWO BE OR OOM mobile hom*o Von. mrr. nomical to heat. $140.

Call before 2:30 r.m., orv-uo. FOR RENT 3 bedroom mobile home. I boihs, porch, basem*nt, garage, slove, refrigerator, dishwasher. $700. mllas.

Iram Rock falls. o3-4vr. FOR RENT: TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile home holt way between Eau i-iaire ona cnippewo. AVOIIODIe Au gust 15. $155.

723-6437. 46 Buslneaa and Office 308 E. Modison St. 832-7808 DOWNTOWN OfFICE space available. Be the first to rent near the newly remodeled City Hall.

For information cwu OJJ-J I M. DELUXE Offko or modkoJ tpoco for loaso. Various locations, sizos and forms. For do-toils coll: BHANSON REALTORS Call John AoMnun 834-2611 or 832-1194 APPROXIMATELY 600 ft. prime office space across from K-Mart.

Will consider sharing secretarial services. LUNDHOLM-KROGMAN REAL ESTATE. 835-1000. CLAIREMONT TERRACE New luxury office space under construction in Reeco Park: available in fall of 1979. Will design space to fit needs.

Suites to 2500 tq. ft. Contact: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICE, INC. 834-2941 FOR LEASE: 7200 plus It. heated unhealed warehouse and 1600 ft of office and commercial space in Prime Commercial location on Hwy.

53. Good parking. Coll Wayne at 835-6336. OAKWOOD HILLS REALTY. INC.

RETAIL OR OFFICE AREA 834-8851 barstow Street corner 500 or less sat ft. 420 S. Barstow (Downtown) 835 2702, 835-8088, 835-40Z2 PRIME BARSTOW Street frontage. Also, inexpensive single offices, parking. 835-5825.

835-6825. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE SPACE ISO up to 5,000 ft. 832-2713 office For KnT 303 Vi S. Barstow Street Mr. frowloy, 832-1721 NORTH SIDE PRIVATE OFFICE Everything furnish ad.

834-8651 FOR LEASE 1920 square feet com-mercioi. Access through 12' overhead door. Lots of parking space. Woler and power furnished. Includes 11'xlO' attached office.

Contact Charlie Rog- UP TO 1A rvyi crS ct EiD stores, offices or warahout Will divide). 832-7055 ADJACENT SPACES prime downtown area. 1000 cubic feel each, possible apartment space above, ample park- nnj. wmpi, gays BARST6W SfRFFT PRIME DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE: 600 SQ. FT.

Contact Horry 834-5713 or 874-6783 1750 SQUARE FEET excellent office space, under construction. Available November, 1979. Near South Hastings Way. Carpeted, air conditioned, will ooipn to you, neeas. 832-5779.

OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Coll Kairh 874-5911 retail Oft Office space TOR RENT. 835-8663 47 VACATION NEAR HOME SAVE GAS CLEAN, MODERN LAKESIDE COTTAGES Quiet sotting. July 8 August openings. HAPPY LANDING RESORT CMfclcr, 924-3930 (WO BEDROOM cottoge, Amocoy Lake: both, boat, privote beach. Rentals dally or weekly.

595-6222. 48 Other Rentals FOR RBNT: Boot Storogo. Up to 18 19 ft. ooors, 9 1 a tot an soason. REFRIGERATOR 4 $TOy for ront.

Liko now, por montn. 032-3457. 2121 GOODER STREET PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP IS REFLECTED in this super well kept ranch in prestigious Princeton Valley area featuring many extras such as formal and informal dining areas, Heatolator fireplace in large family room, patio doors off dining area to deck, oak entry planter, baths, central air, walkout lower level plus the fantastic landscaped lot with a variety of trees and shrubs accents the home. GRC 2212 $61,900 HOST: BOB ANDERSON DIRECTIONS: Hwy 53 North. Right on La Salle Street to corner of Cooder Street and La Salle Street.

Watch for signs. USED LOWREY ORGAN $888 JERRY'S HAMMOND ORGAN PIANO STUDtOS Hwy 53. across from Wogrter i Cooes. 832-9744 YAMAHA PIANO, $2093 874-5468 KM SALE Poovey Standord A. sys-tern.

3 month, old. under warranty. 135 4 channel. 2 coJums. 4xld" speoker per coloms.

$500 firm. Coll 832-8678. after 5 30 p.m. KIMBALL ORGAN, 2 keyboards. 2 pedals, entertainer, rhythm section.

lo.lie speaker, must sell $1500. 639 2015 weekdays alter 5:00 P.M., PIANO UPRIGHT New fruitwood finish, excellent condition: $210 832-0729 oniric, iKANSrERKECt, Must soil now Hammond Ogon Deluxe, best ofler. WANT TO BUY: OOOO USED TRUMPET, PREFERABLY BACH OR GETZEN 832 0264 MODEL 30 WURLITZER organ, 2 manual full foot podol. Very good condition. Suitable lor home or chapel.

Phone 877-2602. WURLITZER SPINET piano, cherry wood finish, needs, relinishing. $425. 834-3856. after 6.

WOULD LIKE GUITAR lessons. Know chords, cannot read musk. Will pay an nour. oj3-ii Miimtt. fc'.

used only ona gig. BO0. footuros built-in qualitor ontf sloroosoparation. GUITAR. Professional instructor taking ivuaiiii.

txousTic STviings. Tingor-picking 566-2748. Rofunctoblo. FENDER SUPER REVERB nmn U5S Gibson ES335 hollow body guitar with bigsby and coso; foKx fuzitwa foot podor. 878-4506, ovonings.

54 TV-Phono-Rsdlo I YEAR OLD 12" Ponasonic black and white TV. Excellent condition. $65. f.V. ANTENNA 60'.

free standing, will on your property, mce nogo- r-- if Must see to approcioie. 835-3435. MARANT2 RECEIVERS TURNTABLES. CAR STEREO STOP ATST0LP 724 Main. Eau Cloire, 834-4617 25" ZENITH color table model, excellent condition $225 877 2029 55 Lawn and Garden USED RAILROAD TIES Excellent condition Phone 834 821 1 BLACK DIRT For Solo Dolivorod Now yards put in 832-4334 APPROXIMATELY 3000 yords of block dirt for solo.

Botwoon Chippowo Falls 8 Eou Clo.ro. 832-7808. FOR SALE usod railroad tlos. 40" center soctions, idoal for landscaping. BOA i19A X.

ut'fT p.m, FOR SALE OR TRADE Farm i Float roar boggor mov.tr. 3 horsepower, now lost foil. 723-9290. oftor 5:00. ROTO-TILLER FOR SALE 832-4345 10 HP JACOBSOrJ lawn tractor with 36" mowor.

usod vary littlo, liko now. 4U3-V4fJ4 ottor 6 P.M.. 24" AMf 5 HP riding mowor. now ongino and transmission. $200.

7I5-877-2029. SEARS 16 rtorsopowor gordon tractor. 42" mowor, 32" snowblowor. Chains and hi-low rango. $1450.

874-6279 Routo 2 Preston Rood, Eou Clairo. ARIENS SNOW BLOWER 5 Korso mint condition. $475. U4-JdM. attor 6.

8 HP SNAPPER riding mowor, with bo. iggor. Ifko now; $750. Moving, must 834.6528. IHC 12 hor.e Cub Codot tractor witn mower, hydry-ttatic drive, excellent condition.

832-I0O2. 56 Good Thlnge To Eat CORN FED BEEF FOR SALE No growth hormones or ontibiotks used. pork for sole DALE ALBRICHT. Colfox. 962-3404 "CUCUMBERS FOR MCKUNO 874-5876 CUCUMBERS FOR SALE Call 8344581 Between 6 A M.

ond 4 P.M. 57 Business Equipment FOR SALE: 3M Model 290 automatic copier with remaining supplies. Reliable used machine. $450. Call Laurie ot 832-4511.

SECRETARY'S DESK with return, chairs and booh bins. 636-0000 or after 5 FOR SALE 2 uiod nfflr. $75palr. 835-4527. or 835 0392.

alter 3 USED ROYAL portable with script type. SEVERSON OFFICE MACHINES. 1508 S. Q9 Wby. across from ITllLfOnOlO I.

OJeWIV FOB 5AIC Cmlti. i ocn with caso. Excellent condition. 967 2297 SUNBEAM ICE CUBE machino, 600 pound capacity. $1,000.

Victor cash rogistor, $500. Both oxcollont condition, only 3 yoars old. Aftor 5 p.m., 235-2690. 58 Misc. for Sale BIRCHWOOD, 40 pickup load 877-3236 i SOD i ONE YARD ONE MILLION! One situ 004-OZI I 49 Wasted To Rent Ounc (tsPONsawE couPii protor low-832a738 eva- MEWEI I I eet.

834-7426 HSPONMIE TOUNO couple would like to rent I to 2 h.oToom country heme or Olio ail within 20 awa radtuo oi Eau Clove. kW-8358. WANT TO 8ENt HOME tor or young tamjy end roooect tor other, property Ei 723-0178 or 832-M04 Eee Chare area. ROOM WANf 6 tor' tingle college girl Somg to Stout. Write or coM collect lynn 8eoulieu.

81. 3 bo. 2fc0 8eraudge. MN 56601: 218-7512212. by LEASE OR LEASE OPTION lrolewionel tamdy went, nice throe plu.

bedroom home. Protor water tront wim ecreoge. Write 8o VP 297 leodor-Telegram. 701 tooth Forwoll. Eau Clow o.

Wl 54701. OOM WANTED by college very Hoiiwi. aoewi omooe or arinli. lMIOCT. 4-344.

WANTED houM in country for couple with one buy. No oet. Need in Soo Call IVlerchandise 50 Auctions AUG. II. 12:30 P.M.

Location: Cadott. comer of Hwy 27 then south 2 blocks an 27. right behind Roys 68. Lucille Lunderville Estote. Alvin MKKetsons Place.

Roy Stolzer. Auc-tioneer. AUG. 13. MON.

PM: tit Chauncey Si. OLINE ROMUNDSTAD. Owner. Geo. rormer.

Auct AUCTION: AUG. ll 1 M. 303 intra Avenue. Wl. Auctioneer: Col.

Del Hogen. 962 4163. Owner. Clare lohsgoard. ANTIQUES: Round oak table with claw very nice: set of 4 solid oak choirs: ook buffet: drawer; opolescent gloss: Nipoon suaor 8 creamer: more house.

hold goods and appliances. A nice AUCTION: Aug. II :30 A.M. Soum of Eau Claire on to Maple Drive. DON DOROTHY NELSON, Owners.

jonnson son Auctioneers. AUCTION: FRIDAY. AUGUST 10:00 A.M. Location: Rlvard Campers, 237 So. Main Street.

Rice Lake. Wl 54878. 715-234-4060. Auction will include: 1937 Plymouth Coupe: 1957 Chevy sedan: 1969 Lincoln Mark III: 1967 Crown Coupe Imperial; snowmobiles: campers: ports; household goods; plus many other items. Auctioneers: John H.

Williams. 715 234 3298 and Don Thompon, 7I5-537-3702. 51 Antiques ANY COLLECTORS INTERESTED In old records, books, tools, etc Call 834-4691 TREASURE LOFT ANTIQUES 3620 PRESTON ROAD. 834-2290 Vine cross Clairemont to Preston DUNCAN PHYf-f also antlaua slnglobad ond crib; orhor Toms. viooiJ.

Want to buy: Antiqu ilvvr Itswnt. 713-235-0774 oftr 3 ANTIQUE BRASS HANGING lomp; Alod-din lomps; old hanging lomp with four lugs; ook Wotorbury clock. all 634-7460. by oppointmont. CRAFTSMANS GUILD Now Open, downtown Falrchild -334-4774 52 Household Goods TRU-L0CK 429 Water 835-1540 TWO MIRRORi beveled Best offer will be considered.

Coll 723-4571. MUCH LOVED OLD ROCKING CHAIR $40 621 Hudson St. 835-1652 8,000 BTU WINDOW alr-condltloner. by McGraw Edison, excellent condition; $125. 834-2055.

HIDEABE0 FOR SALE 834-2948 tNb TABLE. COFFEC tablo. walnut with I gloss tops; two matching tablo lamps, 34 -6273. 1 Usod Televisions, BW and color, all slzos. oil pricos, alt roconditlonod and Suarantood.

sod gas dryors Usod vocuum cloanors, roconditlonod and guaranteed. $9.95 and up. 2 usod oir-conditlonors I Usod rofrioorotor I BRAATZ APPLIANCE CENTER 2424 London Rood 832-8876 LARGE BLOND 6AK bRESSER, With largo mirror 835-3851 CLEARANCE OF DISC0NTINUEL SOFAS and L0VESEATS Early Amorkon, Traditional and contomporary styles Vol. to $599 13 OFF Limited quantity Samuelson's DOWNTOWN EARLY AMERICAN queen sire bedroom set. with nlghtstand.

1 year old. $300 firm. 832-6236. 6 YEAR CRIB includes spring and "'IIIW. USED CARPET: Bel: ige 14x15 1 21x15.

19x14. pad also. Call Lime green shag GOLD CARPET and pad. throe rooms oius a squoro yards). Vary good condition, groat for apartment, cottago or basomont.

Phono WHIRLPOOL window air conditioner. 230 VtJIla, IQ.JW PTU, 4ljiJ. zj-uiw. SOFA BED groon Good condition. $20 839-1072 TWO DRESSERS, antiauo vanity, antiquo I "aaDOOra, aavonporr.

-itt r.m. osm-ziuj, iSllMAkJ butfte" I rmrt aroDiiai oining raoio: aiso antiquo stngto bod ond crib; othor IOHeei OOdL. 11 MOVING SALE: Sowing machino: singlo peirM, uitutiinvni yJ ITOVO; UUn- can Phyfo toblo; rollaway bod; ond wrg. CM- I Of REBUILT APPLIANCES 1515 Bellinaer Closed til August 13th MICROWAVE double oven, smooth top or dim oiTor. scciiurtAl 3 piece, seats 6.

attractive, brown, now fabric. $250 or best offer. ELECTROIUX GCIID Supor 3 vocuum vttiy monms oio witn puwor ntoa, must soil. 1 TWIN GOLD crushed velvet sprood. tw, iuh i wim (Tuinea voiVOT Sprooa, 12; both in porfoct condition.

ail ELECTRIC KELVINATOR range with charcoal hood and light. AIR CONDITIONER 5.000 BTU, $50 834-6437 BASICALLY RED lOOfc wool Solnion mw, uKpiu.imuioiy lix, usea inroo monms; oouu. M-UWJO TWO ARMY BUNK BFOC Very sturdy, good condtton. Cast iron Ban Franklin Stovs: 50. 832-2)07 SINGER SEWING MACHINE.

In good condition. ALSO LOVE SEAT. 835-9278 SINGLE BED POR SAlf 832-3129 16 110 CUBlt Foot avocado slde-by-slde frosf tree refrigerator, like new, $425; matching G.E. 30" avocado electric range, self cleaning oven, like Mu .1. 111- fOR SALE: UPHOLSTERED chair." excellent condition.

$90. 835-1464. SOFA 8 CHAIR, 2 other chairs, cheap. 874-6272, 4 miles West of Eou Cloire I ana ooak: aora- poot. Couple pratorroaL ta T7o- 42 Homes For Rest atOaOOM I parlung.

to. 1 101 Soum Dewey. 130 ot-704. au Mtw aueo bodroom. double oa-roo: water turtuohed Up-er Wot No pew.

3M t32 S040. nice East sde i ptu. umtoiototy reter 612 Ml -C3 1. TWO BEDROOM HOME Garage: a.ailable September I. $M4f-lV trog.

in Elk Mound. Con pwrcna.oa tor amy Mv down OWNER OCCvtittt dolwio thro boeVoom ompo-: lutcKon. (Wing room. oaa9 room, fo-TMtv rooni, .1 'A both. 9t-vot4it9nw4; oil Umn mnd snow Locotod ot 1741 Royoi Cowl.

No pH $295 por $fonfh. Ao(oi LAKE FRONT kows: ftlovo. rofriowoioV: I tretftoo DOoVoocns. I Strum. Wi.

695-3293. HOUSE, FURNISHED. Hvo won girli: 90 ntonth ptus hoot ond wt.Utto. Loom roqwirod. Dopotit.

Roimulotod. R34-2944. (Mk tor ChoHio or t35-23l arror 9 4 KMOOM HOUSl. IV, botha. 5 cor oorooo.

ouot East Stdo locatton, ovoii-oblo Soptombor 5m. $900 plus utiU- Ftp. JtWtW KtAL 94 -Ant. TWO BEDROOM H6mC for ront in Locust Ion oroa. Washor, dryor.

ttovo, ro-frtoorotor itKlodod. Protor fowno mor-riod couplo. No pot. Roforoocot) and cwrity doposit roowirod. $225 por month.

Avotloblo Soptombor I. Coll wiot. on or ONE FAMILY HOUSE, noar Control Jun- por M.qrt. 207 Poty St. B35-5215.

LARGE HOUSE for ront. oood condition; we ww exioyieja, agan lajstKpi rtOOO. iwifMiiaii. r-y tayi. ajo-rvf J.

CORYDON PARK 3 bodroom. 3 roc room, torn on try, ponotod toyor. 2 car oorooo, wpooood word. $375 por month. On yoar loot.

Phono DUPLEX FOR RENT, both tidot available. mroo tlvo bodroom; $235 and $300. oj4-vw or oj-joe i NEW LARGE 3 BEDROOM buPitk With botomont ond gorogo; hot wahor. Iryor, cabio TV hookup: modulotod for vloprtono; wdl-fnuiotod to kooo vour norgy bill. low.

Call Scott Johnson. BRICK HOUSE (or ront: Totally re- uetorajea ona carperoa, wttn a largo living room and dining room. Kitchen furnished with and refrig-eretor. two bedroom, downstair and one bedroom and a lorge area uptair that may be ued a a bodroom. Avaitable September 5.

Call mj-oj-i oner p.m. TWO BEDROOM, GARAGE. North sTdo" No ttudonts or pots. Socurity dopo.it NORTH SIDE 3-bodroom duploK. yoor looso.

$225 plus utititios. No pots. Coll LPonnoiian ana inoiton, vo-ol9l. ONE OR TW6 bodroom houso i garogo in Sam Davoy oroa. No pott, ovaiioblo Sopl Call oftor 1 P.M.

632-9B24. riwmoor sr. SOUTH OOF 3 bodroom ronch, $300 Call S34-4I10 92b Jomot Stroot, 3 bodroom 2810 Shalo Lodgo Rood, 2 bodroom' 811 N. Hastings Way, 3 bodroom rio pots, rororoncos roqmfoo, 4i40 savo gas cozy noat 2-bodroom, on butlino. RENTAL DIRECTORY, 1723 Fairfax.

834 134. COUNTRY LIVING within Eov Clairo city limits. Largo, privato woodod lot, North Sido of Eau Clairo, on Hwy. 53. Prof or somoono who can play guitar.

$60 month plus your shoro of uti litis with two Othors, largo bodroom houso. Prof or working man 28 yoars or oldor. No pots. Socurity dspo.it roquirod. 833-3602 or 834-6717.

FEMALE ROOMMATE noodod to sharo 3-bodroom houio. $75 plus utilitios. OJ3-U4)U. EXCEPTIONALLY nice three bodroom home, nko private yord; refrigerator included; $270. 834-2544.

NEW THREE bedroom brick duplex. North Side: two bath. $250 plu. 832-8952 DISCOVER PRINCETON VALLEY Now 2 bodroom hom*o with first floor laundry, alto family room with flro-ploco, formal dining room. A boautiful hom*o for tho young as wsll as tho old.

$52,900. Two flroplocos aro foaturod in this now 3 bodroom hom*o. Tho kitchon hos loads of Cabinots, largo dining oroa, 2 baths ond family room. This hom*o is a rool must to too. $65,900.

Tho vlow from this hom*o is torrHk. You con bring tho boauty of noturo irtdoors. Walkout basomont providos oddod boauty. 2 flroplocos, spiral stoircoso plus mora. Don't just pass this ona by.

Tako look at It. $79,900. Thoro aro sovoral now hom*os now un-dor construction along tho golf courso. Thoro is timo to do your own dacorating. Tako drho and soo this baautifui subdivision.

Tako 53 North to LaSollo right on taSallo St. to Goodor Stroot, loft on Goodor Stroot to W. Prlncoton Avo. Just follow W. Prlncoton Avo.

BUILDERS REALTORS 13433 0) Can Sun. Aug. 12 3 mimm w. --n-, i.f.-fMn New-ond quality built by-Iom Hudson, Bi-level on 2 acre lot South of town. Upper level has 2 bedrooms, ond lower level is roody for expansion, Dramatic erched entry features cultured stone exterior trim bedroom home.

carpeted, newly dece- eoment ream. den. boee- moot. aeroge. eio yara.

a polo. HaaaBIIHIaNlllallMMHHgttatHtta 1165 MULBERRY STREET QUALITY MATERIALS AND EXPERT WORKMANSHIP is exhibited throughout this exceptionally attractive new home featuring formal and informal dining areas, fireplace in the living room, 2 full ceramic baths, main floor laundry room, 3 bedrooms, Anderson thermo-pane windows and central air in a quality Burgess Addition neighborhood. GRC 1556 165,900 HOST: RON ZHART DIRECTIONS: Hwy 12 East to Hwy A. North on Hwy East on Lawrence. South on 5th Street East, East on'Oakwood, South on Mulberry Street.

Watch for signs. I QCCI2 2015 SECOND STREET COMFORT IS WHAT COUNTS and you'll find a relaxed lifestyle in this well kept older home offering 2 bedrooms, big master bedroom with 2 big closets, main floor laundry room, good size kitchen with dining area, and single car garage on an attractive wooded lot. GRC 2257 $19,900 HOST: DAVE HARTMANN DIRECTIONS: Piatt to Second Street, right on Second Street Watch for signs. Kouhty Kist Whole Kerne Gaylord Frozen ORANGE Good thru Bezanson Realtors JUST LISTED! 3207 MELBY STREET EXTREMELY WELL CARED FOR North Side bi-level offering comfortable family living featuring 3 bedrooms, large family room, patio doors off dining area to 10x12 redwood deck to attractive large fenced-in yard for privacy, and ideal for the growing family with plenty of expansion room. PRICED TO SELL! GRC 2230 $47,900 HOST: CHIC BUNDE DIRECTIONS: North on 53, turn left on Melby Street.

Watch for signs. EAU CLAIRE WESTERN WISCONSIN'S LARGEST HOME SELLER GGRRARD RAL1Y mm BEEF $19 SIDES clu, Wrapped CANNED 99 PICNICS -7- Good thru Sun. Aug. 12 834-261. 1 tav lowar West Side duplex! Oldtr home in top condition in good rental oreo.

Features 2 bedroom ond 3 bedroom units with seporote utilities ond one cor garoges. Reinsulated. Would moke a nice owner-occupied home with extra income 1021 Regis Court 35-4344 OFFICES IN Putnam Heights 3 bedroom ranch in established oreo. Formal dining room, spacious master bedroom, great location. Quality-built and well-main-loined, with large basem*nt, well suited for rec room and other finished.

53 Musical Items JENSEN PLAYER PIANO CO. SALES SERVICE REPAIR INSTALL- PIANO CHORDERS PIANOS, GRANDS. PLAYERS 835-7264 Used Chord Organs from $49.00. Used Pianos from $100.00. MORGAN MUSIC Across fro- K-Mart LaCrosse, Onalaska, Eau Claire, Minbcqua, Rhlnelander, Chippewa Falls, Wl and Winona, MN..

Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.