Animal crossing new worlds(fangame/official by demos/jokeish/idea not canon to other side of 4th wall but i hope it does) (2024)


  • 1 acnw for short
    • 1.1 this is a countenuation of previous mentions to it
    • 1.2 irelevant but lets see some of demos other games just for fun hence msot can be emulated anyway or something or idk just cuz im too lazy to make another page rn sorry
    • 1.3 moving on
  • 2 hey guys i learned that well lol new titles make something or someting idk lets see more in this section
    • 2.1 things
  • 3 more info/developement/expiremental version kaicraft and etc crossovers/collabs
    • 3.1 kaicraft and etc parts and etc stuff here not epxiemrnential or anythign htis si i mean a kdina like a dev update but this can be preordered and etc
  • 4 lol new fricking updat eor baislcy before but its 0.0blahblahblah 2 now lol
    • 4.1 AGH(thwomp sound)
  • 5 the update after the one mentioned before baisicly another alot of zeropoint stuff yeah AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    • 5.1 E

this is a countenuation of previous mentions to it[]

so now also more info and etc so more htign sbesides counters and etc shelfsand normal deafult like things so other partitions and also more things like going to other planets etc and also more things like want to know whats it most out of bound/off screen places well examples backrooms of resident services so tomnookspart is like well where the old tent stuff went along with more things like nookpoint redeeming center bells/poki to nookpoints/nookmiles converter diyprinter etc and also on isabelles part there is piggy banks when the abd is full and also anouncing room flower garden toolshop/workshop and also your home can have new rooms too that ar epremade to purchase from digby so like kitchen etc and also costom and etc and also timmy and tommys upstairs room in nooks cranny is like old store s off screen rooms will also be shown so the basem*nt lead sto the old store whrre timmy and tommy say you found the old stuff goodjob this is what weve made it now its like now th eoffscreen part has like office htign sotcopy the diys and also ramp set up kit and other diys and etc like apple juice etc diys and etc and also workbench et machines and also the old store part is just selling difrent things like goldene tc tools preivous things for nookpoints and alos now the upstairs has stuff like where the sold stuff get and refund zone and etc and also able sisters other room where you can find pattenrs saved to a tablet device the pc has costom paterns expansion to pay with tickets and also and a laptop that is for printing and etc and also that one happy home paradise things too like the office other door leads to somehting downstairs very deep after the endless stairs you see something sitting its wardell he says , us and then you get happy home paradise securityrifle armour etc teh ne w side quests on amiibo welcome area there is mysteirous costom texture missing thgins for this happy home designer old parts etc and on your island duck cult and this island has amongus infection etc with many ducks that must be terminated in homes with ducks and then once prepared wardell can guide you with one of those jurrasic park cool vheicles with niko and lottie who say now you know huh we didnt want to worry you and also etc things unlocked and also see gyroid room etc get storage for fish in a and et cmuseams tuff at the museam and also all kinds of new things more new personalitys jerk and also stuff like horny personality you can probably tell what this is shows that one ankha zone meme on pc yeah dont be like them racoons and etc can move in get many new species to move in like whale fish bugs etc and also reptiles rodents mammals etc and also manatees more of them wardell needs friends ok and also robot villagers are a new class yes new classes of villagers robot like food like examples tangy robotlike celpahalbot etc examples and buisness like example raymond looks like he works in the office and more food like examples jack if he counts and also stuff like etc things and also seals and etc beluga whales etc and also hospitals can help with bee stings and turantula bites and also vacines what they do f*ck you turantulas you cant do anything and also face masks can be givent o villagers so they dont get sick and you can get sick too so examples are when you wake up you fall out of bed and your luck is at -666 and you have pink eye /your eyes are now pink and you look high if you try to stand you get drunkphysics/instead of flying upt he stairs you fall down the stairs or fall up and also you trip alot too and also you vomit in the bathtub this diseses is unknown its usualy a punishment for spelling on blancas face the word is insert realy bad s##r here and then you get cursed for 69 days and also sot he first day this stuff all applys the second day when you wake up your still in your pajamas going to the desserts it says its too hot mom tell dad or i will touch the thermostat and then die to end my misery and also if you go in the cold it says dad its too cold the corners too cold for me and also you cant take off the unconfterblwe wooden shoes whichmake eveyrthing creak even the rubber THE RUBBER and if you eat you vomit if you drink you vomit once you fall it take slonger to get backup and your aims absolutely sh*t etc then day 3 once you fall you cant get back up so you drag yourself moving at a third of your speed and then day 4 your so bad that now you get casts on one leg slowing you on ladders and etc btw previous effetc sstill remain btw then day 4 you have another now you rslowness increase aalso your getign cuts and turning green like mold and then day 5 the mold hardens making you more stiff and now your hands are broken too day 6 and your neck and torso more stiffer day 7 your head and you ride a blood bag on wheels with monitor to act as hand holding then you hit a wall your done day 8 now your in a wheel chair but whos pushing/pulling you around its rover he looks sad now and day 9 the mold sheds youve been mummified and got cheese touch so rovers wearing usin ththgons becarful nto to bump into anything otheriws ehe drops it and get petrified and so do you day 10 regarldes syoru petrified now wisp acts as your hand but gets scared by jack putint gyou in a wheel barrow and wisp peices act as wheels now and 11 jack starts to rot day 14 jacks now gone so now his ghost is psossing you to move becareful hitting anything this weak marble will shatter 15 the ghost starts fading 17 the ghost is gone now farleys using majic to move you around 18 farley dies now his ghost takes the place tbc etc until after the curs eyou get a game over and have to restart from last save and also upgrade most of your buildings exmaple label can join able sisters and also nooking ton and etc stores ar enow seperate and also pro+ costom designs for more htings to make like pants socks shoes slippers etc walls wall paper etc and also rea dbooks and storethem in bookshelfs use amazing mahcine to make thgins and use many new machines and also a use for eating at the tbale if it has tbale cloth andetc you eat better even with chairs and also benches they can help you regain health and also plant rice na dmake rice so your rice maker has some use more thgins for the house that are deafult thgins liek counters and etc like slabs etc wedges etc shapes and also shape your room and etc and also you cna set rules and etc and also pocekts have special sections for other thgins like diy etc and costom and poki bells miles etc tickets etc and also you can drive the luxury car now why not run over vanestro while your at it and also get grunt villagers cuz why not we need much more species and also i realised how much raymond looks like my sisters cat all you need to do to my sisters cat is give them classes dye their eyes give them hair and a tuxedo make them work in the office make them hard to find etc and also amiibos and etc lets say you scanSANS youg et sans lol now mosnters na detc pokemon why not and also phonebooth make a call to talkt o villagers from long distance or something and amiibo scanner on the go for many uses and also doge coinw hy not make books and maagzines books using elahte rppaer magazines paper thats it and also cream andetc foods and monopoly board why not chess board checkers etc interact with chess board fir epalce now use firewood up you can even get warm so you dont get amonia from the winter or aircooler do the same thermostat either make good chicken or frozen dairy who knows and also murder hornets wasps but worse and also touchingmairo mushroom you get bigger crafting somehting liekt hat you get more 1 up get more lives star your invincible from peta fakers who tyr to kill everyone fire flower comit arson desser t snad sand etc are now much more easyier to be found and also minigames like feed wardell that fat bastard has to do something to get fat you can feed souvineir chocolate like ralsei throwing minigame but kround is wardell ralsies chocolate kris is you susie is the canon the warp canon and etc and also much more minigames and also nes game snot found try virutal consoel and etc and emulators on your pc and also us enitinendo swith cl*te to get minigames and etc and also al kinds of things tbc and also more clown villagers why they are pietro the clown sheeps legeon who hunt you down for hteir circus at blancas carnival jus tto shwo you they are now bad so pietro fits in his tiny clown car and drives you and dont worry hes not pennywise penny wise is a human villager that is a normal moving in one and also mroe species added too like stickfigures etc and get stickbugged and also pietro has clonw npcs now for almsot or some villagers are hsown that ar enow clowns or new clown ones a clown tiger called tony dont ask what thats a refrence too and he give syou creeper crunch for visintg the circus he is the guy who is the clown car dealer even bowserjrs koopaclon car to act like a super cool spac ehsip that you dont need ot leav espekaing of which jumping now and much more and also much more that pietro has hired and also mime villagers now that pietro has also hired and et ccirucs villager themes and etc how ever that creepy guy wa spietros evil twin caketro they are pennywise they fight with tiky often but tiky wins and caketro dies so when he attacks blancas carnival you must tema upw ithjester villager imp jevil dont askw hat that refrence is eitherand also then team up to kill that clown bastard and then hooray caketro dies and is never to be seen again unless uh ohthe moldy ahcinet grave stone flowers your wattering them NO YOU FOOL THATS A CLOWN FLOWER HES GONNA FIRE KETCHUP game over then it rigegrs theevent again and also dreaming now you can dreamabout your town and you can break 4th wall too to go to just black screen now seeing your villagers just walking around on thin air cranky ones will say wow kid you having a good sleep and etc and also etc stuff and timmy and tommy sell itesm warning you that downstairs and upstairs are off limits so weve blocked thme off with dirt and rocks i bet you dont even have a shovel or pickax ef iyou somehow get them we get to that later and also timmy and tommy sell itesm like that for some reaosn stay when you awake like smoking gyroid cna be dug up with the dirt and also weireder items like dakrowlrd thye tunr otu to be somehting difrent unlss you trade or get thme as gifts and also selling items instead you wake up with broken apart bells for your items and dreamtickets can be sold and damn it my sisters beinga bitch again gotta go im back we refused to give her a ride to get back home horay i dont have to see her bitch face againa and also animal crossing types of biomes and etc ou can encountrer island beach rock dessert jungle etc and also curved stairs and also do all kinds of things

irelevant but lets see some of demos other games just for fun hence msot can be emulated anyway or something or idk just cuz im too lazy to make another page rn sorry[]

demos games like super duper mario bros this is a very enchanced version it has new things like in classic 8 bit style still 2d or 2.5d now and also new powerusps super duper mushroom make you get 3 hit points you can now go back starcoins eveyr starcoin if all are collecte dina level you unlock a minigame for world 1 its pick a pipe but one of them leads to 1 ups varying amount becareful not to pick 0 and alsoworld 2 leads to door knocking mayham knock the righ tdoor you want to get that power up but first play right knocking game or others will come instead skinny mushroom now official power up lol world 3 minigame is key choice where you choose to match the keys but now your playing as georgenot found so only on hardmode on easy mode gogy gets his colorblind glasses and is finenow world 4 collect all of lakitus coins if you do you get 5 1 ups if you ge tless like 75 percent you get 3 1 ups 50 2 3 up s25 1 3 up etc and also 2 up flower and also world 5 etc and plus new worlds world 9 minus world is playable how to ge tbakcther epreform a blj then you can get back there to the flag pole boss of minus world is dry bowser etc et cretunring htigns infer mario bros 4bit port demake/prequel which takes place mario still gets mario bros physics but now donkey kong teams up with bowser now and infer sinfer a 2 bit prequel to that where what mariod id after event sof donkey kong varying on endign you got luigis mansion 4 there is now multiple mansions title chnages varynig on mansion if your at a ultimate botel /private island now there is more htigns more ghosts and et cplus old ones returning etc and also um uhhh idk idc lets go back to animal crossing

moving on[]

and also materials for latex and etc rubber plastic moon rock fromthe moon so now some use for space and othe rpalnets atroids metoerit ecna make astroids which cna make ssastorid belt wall paper along wiht solar system wlal appe rusing sun uv hellium/hydrogen jupiter gas saturn rings etc relics and also spoons forks et ceat food alot better etcalso schoolc an increas eiq which helps you rmember forget recipeis etc an dlaso so if yoru dumb enoguh you can choke and die just like in real life for me atleast and also wrere gonna be doing somethign with chnages and etc minor additions i always thought it was a pain in the ass you have to pick them all at once then they complain about invontory being full so it happened to em today on new horizons it say show much should i pick to fill the empty gaps and set an amount and also silver bells they are remo currenyc scna be used silver bells are like golden bells but they are used as speicla htign sboguth formt he store they can be used as to store 99000 bells in one silver bell bronze bells etc and also mroe songs for stereo like kk brasil just dave and bambi sung by kk slider and kk dj if you want and k.k polka is just levan polka lol k.k weller being tbc


emulate snes games now you can get for more furnature even gameboy etc stuff and so you can anow get vruta lconsole onyour wii furnature and etc to play thos egamesaswell andtc switch online and more and also mreore relaisitc you can now have bad relationships with just about anyone or fomr relaitonships with anyone like some peopeld ont change but some do like lets show in this skit here(badguy: hehehehe wardell dosent know i stuck a whoopiecousin on his chair wardell: *breaks chair with fatness* who... the...f[wardellsface]ck...did...that....... badguy: laughs ass off literaly wardell: *loads m16* badguy: OH sh*t dies ||||||||| suosed to pe tv static goodboi: here wardell want some food wardell: eats it thank... you... goodboi: whos that dead guy in the box wardell: you... werentsupposedtoseethat... ,., )

kaicraft and etc parts and etc stuff here not epxiemrnential or anythign htis si i mean a kdina like a dev update but this can be preordered and etc[]

so now podzol ground etc mycelium new biomes etc crafting table diy pros more you put in more outcomes cons only 9 ingredients at a time mc furnace pros like crafting table cons you get the idea now crafting things mariocoin 10 bells coin etc currency poki 10 mario coins dollarbills 10 poki,bells,coins,ring made with gold and gold nugget dollar bills yellow dye and iron nugget iron nugget stone squid ink and also make calamari why not and also and mc coisn and etc miencoins 1000 golden bars made out of 100 goldent nuggets each in compresser or amazing machine and for 10 minecoins then golden nuggets 100 mine coins gold ingot 9 golden nuggets gold block youg et ht eidea enchnated golden apples are worth lots of money eating them or netherite enchnate dapples eating them woah now you got 1000000 food points goodluck tring to poo that out lol new flooring and et ctc volcanoe jungle no not jsut flooring but gorund types and laos underground ground sky dessert snow castle airship ghost house and also mroe things more weather and etc iv ealways wondered about something where sleet hail etc now iwth the iron umbrella dont ge tharme dby hail or ice rain golden umbrella f*ck you boulders/emeotr shpwer netherit eumbrella f*ck you worlds larges t astroid about to fall on me and also havign mroe types of dreams and etc and out sid eeht 4th wall prepare to be animation vs animator but the animation just yeeted himself out rat wrong time out of the charger and now hes here and also another thing you can do now more happy home paradise stuff like visintg htos elots just for visiting the lots on that island so that one with the brick pathway you cna visit that center too with new characters like wendells house saying wow i met you out of a dream thats nice he give syou tiems youve got from dreams and also find mroe htgins there like all kdins fot hgins like onthat cool little island known as c5 but so on c5 there is all kinds of things like trailer park and etc where wardell is good frined with you now he tells you to buidl withthgins with the whoel gang to help and stuf fliek traile rpakr and palaza c4 outskirts can be things like a campgrounds where you get tents for people who cant pay like homeless man from that one failboat video etc c3 outskirts can be for like shops for things such as grogcery store a and more things d4 the main siland we get to later and also groceyr sotre sjsu tsome store sfor variious thgins even target dollar store wallmart etc c2 is used for difrnet resturnts and etc and type sof food places cafes resturants mcdonalds etc c1 is going to be like a chaint times place like temples etc jungle tree houses etc a1 outskirts will be like farms and other industry sto get rescources such as on farm-a flour/produce farm-b fruitetc cave there which will be for rocks and etc cave b for trees etc a2 outskirts can be like museams liek museams for certan things photogallery markets and etc a3 outskirts will be like shops and etc a4 outskirts will be like industrial things like powerplants and etc a5 outskrit sbaisocly thsoe cool movie sevrer rooms or etc stuff here like offices and etc a6 will be like gift shops and etc a7 will be like malls and etc like mallwart dollarama dollar tree toys r us etc so that way that kangaroo karen will shut up b1will be green houses adn nursurys and toehr schools for the little joeys in the decent kangaroos b2 catsels and midevil cool stuff b3 unique cool stuff like labratory ande tc like buisnesses b4 will be like tailershop othe rtimmy and tommy clone stores table nable gabel as the able sister clones etc b5 will be like hotels and etc b6 botels and etc b7 motels b8 wait there is no b8 dont think ive done a c6 so c6 will be like minor like well like tos emiitopia villages and a village with shops andusing stalls and etc c7 this can be like oh idk factory sand etc and cyberspaces etc govvernment things d1 seaside places and etc d2 will be like cool anime places d3 mob famrs so etc stuff and other ficitonal places d5 will be like trian stattions and etc d6will be like librarys and etc d7 will be like villa sand etc e1 willbe like midevil villages but fancier e2 will be like beuatiful places field and etc an dalso where the other jobs will be like idk e3 gaming places haha funny pun e4 spac estations and etc e5 scuba stationsa nd etc e6 more anime like places oh no doki doki cross over music Oh no glitches and gets deleted e7 now that thats over fnf week 6 music no i dont want to sing e a be bo a AA OA IU aPO EEEOOAAAIOOOEEAAAOOEEEIIOAAAEEEE please help----- me IM dying insiiiiide i want to die bf be like bdajfbabgjegrmebebebebwbeabbeabeaehbeaoeobabeaboeboaebobeiouubioeaeuiaeibeaubabbeuebauibbebaiebiabeuiabeubebbeubeubaoibeuiebuabeioabebuioabeiobebuiebioabeaieobauiobeuiaobeubaeb ends song f1 will be lek the miens and etc for improtant stuff like gems and etc f2 will be liek akreoko and miitopia outings other palces f3 server rooms and etc squid games cuz why not f4 cool place like weather rleated places and etc like labratorys shelters etc little parking lot for places like dj kk concerts townhall so that wya you cna have a awsome town theme f5 jurrasic park why not f6 jurrasic world why not f7 no no more anime please phew bijuu mike other thgins such as yandere and sakrua simulator rrefrence to joker getting hit bycar meme g1 palace and etc kingdom g2 empire g3 wonderland g4 wargrounds why not with new people offensive warning pitler kk sliders long lost grand father who said how dare those people think kk sliders overrated i hate those people i blame the cats and then also kitler there rival what is wrong with my humor :P and also kitelr says i hate dogs they think mr resettis fat and ugly i mean he is but uh he is g5 oasis mario kingdoms etc jus tlet it be g6 sonic stuff why not g7 other corss over things lolsome fot hem atleast and some more thigns and etc lol d4 there is now more beaches more place sto build like head office more offices happy home pardise nook inc reviving the ruins with sacrificing joey and the bench to travel to difrent places and example its secretlya switch to underground whchwe get to now so undergorudn ther eis rese tsurvilaince build opourtunitises farms bunny holes more homes and etc and also etc stuff newgorunds office cuz why notthere is a secre entrance afte rsacrificing joey by hitting him with the bench and it opens up undergorund and heals the ruins hsowunfing what happened to the duck tribe the ducks that the duck cult hates and betrayed they used to be partners but duck tribe was too soft for themimagine the echnida tribe but knuckles did betry athem and etc and you can use htme to help you fight the duck cult they also when entering the temple by jumpinginto the pond you find something a cool huge temple area oportunites to build mega malls grillbys sesame street and more and all kinds of things etc undertale/deltarune refrences and etc wardells gift shop has more now always avalible gifts/order the top 3 are furnature for homes from home and ordered bottom 2 being from nookmiles/etc and other sorry for being afk i was drinkign soda with my cookieswhich i toataly didnt steal from grandmas cookie jar i ate 5 cookie shwne gramap said 2 but hes a fool men have big pockets i could fit 10 cookies in there HAHAHHAHHAAHHAHHA but i didnt once i got tot he thrid i felt like i was gonna get diabetes and felt like i could die so thats when i drank 2 milimeters deep of pop it was dr pepper with dads brand cookie the name of the brand is dads and now back to this so more things like harvs island bigger expansion where harv said hey why not make new stuff and example the atou place and etc and larry the lobster we need some sort of jock villager ro somethign enw homes and etc and also more htign swhat s beyond the 4 points of harvs island like n e s w so n is the farway museams arpelego with someone there and etc and etc like more farway places like farway store selling thgning s like in the containers of the super market here in isle one offic estuff etc themed things and the popele here are toataly difrent they are a special breed of cat known as maine coon a maine coon called fluffy who helps guide you they aslo give gifts and et clike rpesent boxing etc and to get here you need a boat to craft and fluffy can give more htigns like recipeis for special tools saws they cut all threee wood peices of eveyrtype and then the tree gets cutdown made with matrerial of choice and plastic for handle and excavators for ddigigng bulldozer sofr mining steamroller sfor path making drill for mingi rocks beinf gsma erecipei as saw but with more mateirla of choice and pitxhfork like hoe but with mroe mateirla of hcoice and sprinkler/hose liek gardening car but wiht mroe matierla of choice etc and and also there is more things and also farway town hall with a spot resevred for you and your mentor a mallard duck known as bill and bill guides you for making farway land a better place and to the e of harvs island is that the farlands woah this is cool whats int here toad houses woah buidl monarch castle for you nice and othe rmidevil thigns and whats tt eh s woah a metropolis called ttropolsi as mos tof ht ebuildings are tetrominos in 3d to look cooler and like those minecraft farms and you get to own it cool for you and mroe things there like buinsesses raymond helps you int he office you havefactorys and more and also to the w side there is woah wild nature wow imagine legend of zelda bretah of the wild + sonic fronteirs and this will be pic with more thign slike a second island and now to the 8 sides of apelego n tomnooks og town withthgins where tomnook is found there saying as memory shtn e says woah your here well you can work here i will be your mentor then redds town at s and simalri thgins and othe rcall backs to toehr games on toehr sides and more things craftign cereal etc grains and more foods grains dairy meat animal products now veggies fruits nuts etc and much more foods and smaller ocupation sizes like legos taking up 0.1 space or somethign vayrginby size and etc andalso weremissing some construction vheicles ive always like dumptrucks why not add them best of all when your driving htem you can put items in the dump truck and upgrade mining truck and ertc trucks so dumptrucks are part of excavator steam roller buldozer/cosntruction site thingbut also are a usble vheucoiel taking up 3 width 4 in length going horizontaly the width going virtcaly and the height is like othe rconstruciton heicles als you can dump thing stoo just like in real life mii masks and more like on xbox and othe rocnsole ports it uses avatars or something and also or use ingame mii maker golf bowling ball new villager types othe rthna normal patterns robot clowns etc like stuff like monochrome and etc or something more buisness friends for ryamon like a dog named sheldon and mouse named mickey and squirrel oh i forgot toys liek stitches and also a bearcub/child labor actulya nookipedia just says bear cubs are just actualy smaller versions hmmm so buisness partners like idk sorry barold your getting a job so aiscly eveyr catagory ther emus tbe one of each species atleast and also etc and etc stuff and yeah mmmhmmmlisten if we can get certan breeds /species of people like bearcub and bear are kinda the same and cow and bull are same why not use male and female equilivents now for all speicesi or something unelss they are execlusivly male like gallade or hmmmm so bitch for female dogs and um looks up animal pronouns hmmmmmmmm and other type slike smaller species first now so puppy kitten calfs piglets sows othe rtypes of anmial vairiations and also ducklings hathclings cubs tomcat is examples kabuki hes old af and female cats are actualy called queens and etc AH f*ck IT IM NOT GONNA LOOK THIS ALL UP LOOK IT UP ON WIKIPEDIA OK JEEZ etc oh i know i have an idea mor efacltys for the big arpelego the apelego is in so ther ei smore arpelegos out there that niko can take you too like the sunken city or what ever wardell take syou there when he is swimming you can make mroe facilitys like atlantis after being granted by wardells majic wand to be immortal as long as you say the majic word wumbo and eat wumbowraps everyday its liek rptoectvie htis it sliek a power up or cuz you get something like dolphins grace but with wardell and hten you can go under there where wardell desing thsing slike atlantic thgnins at deepness 1 you can make many facility slike industrial daycare for the stupid joeys that always apere that do nothing in animal crossing hotels botels etc the factory shelters from duck cult security place barber shop other shops sanitation etc tech store other stores department acessory pet stores pharmacies speciality stores grocery ultimate hyper market nofrills wallmart warehouses malls etc and also training dojo and etc and on the tehr apeelgos your on arpelego a so arpelego b has more stuff and many islands on a 10 by 10 grid so a1 is well eh were not gonna do that right now etc and also new responses judging by how good you made there homes and etc

AGH(thwomp sound)[]

now you can commit crimes because most people in real life do like im pretyt sur emos tpeople do everyday everydaycrime examples(littering you f*cking people ruining envoirment disposal of human body parts fact hair is kinda par tof our body and we have stuff hwne we go to the bathroom coming out too so that means your almost liek disposing evidance of your suffering and also rprobably perverted thgins htis is only if you are horny or a xbox kid example eveyrone has a reason to wake up wth a B###R so its either fa##### last night or something else and also cyber bullying sadly parent siwll still sue you for bullying a gacha heat kid man i hate those kinds of people that dont scold there kid for doing gacha heat and htink its toataly fine JEEZ and also etc ) example child crimes if your young or something or your like this to raymonds son i want acompelt eoclelciton gos into kidnapper van or you you want judy to goin kidnapper van people you can say kidnapping why didnt you say it kai ... realisation O_O yeah everythgin if bitlfife and life simulators get away with it liek bitlife allows young people or character you amde to do crimes and etc and also becaeful the cops arnt nearby they will arrest you tax evasion dont pay your debt now you actualy get to see the racoon goons tis leads me tot he enext cirm emurder use your gun you got from wardell to shoot the racoon goons litering we kinda already have that make sure naturecops dont arrest you and abuse there you are in a relationship with raymond cuz raymond and smug villagers are kinda perverted for flirting with you or hitting on you regardelss of what ever regardless how old you are but now you fought back against raymond holy sh*t put the axe down and enxt cirm eholy sh*t you burried a dead body becareufl this stuff can get you on naughty list speaking of naughty oh no ankha zone meme OH no OH NO OH GOD PLEASE NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO no more of that "dance" video and its already been milked enough and also piracy f*ck it i aint paying for super demos bros demos cops apere OH NO dies and K###ING UR SELF tired of being in debt villagers moving away being lonely af broke af in a tent now find a tree grab the new ropes and put them to [not]good use and also blackmailing be redd 2.0 and also etc and also more things to do than just that like finding more jobs to do moere gyroid villagers to be like coco the bunny and also more soundscapes and etc like what about bad soundscapes like terrorism amongus creepy ambiance over space terorism over chatting over cheering is booing over train is vheicle crashing over storm is tornado over rain is terraria lunar events over cyber is squid game over ocean is sonic drowning over under water is mariod rowning mp3 over fields is pumped up kicks over park is madness combat 1 park over forest is ode to tuna over jungle is jungle boss theme over creaking is luigis mansion jumpscares over echo is creepy echo of voices over cave is minecraft cave sounds 1 hour over wind is battle cats over city is sonic.exe over rumbling is earth quakes over construction is patrick getting hurt by wooden board meme over factory is fnaf over alleyway is ballistic over healing is dying which is just villiant hero on loop until you cry etc and also more things like more ytpes of villagers foodbased liek fruits example tangy veggies examples idk maybe jack well wait weve done this nevermind well lets think of more food villagers that can move in like a veggie dog whos name is turner the turnip yes turnip dog s etc sna dsome mroe villagers like a nut mouse which is called waldo the wallnut mouse yes btw veggie dogs personality or turners personality is snooty and we already have a fruit cat and waldos personality is cranky we dont have cranky mice yet i dont think and a grain squirrel called rece the rice personality normal a dairy cow/bull if you count them as one species this kinda makes sense is called chase the cheese personality lazy and meat wolf like loafer the meatloaf and personality big sister ewe baislcy have atleats 1 of eveyreperosnality villagers and stuff moe reingredient sofr htgin snad etc examples for cooking salt and pepper salt found from ocean by killing th seaslugs and pepper from idk peppers being grown and pepepr spciing condiments and like mustard from mustard seed sletchup from tomatos relsih from idk what relish is mad eotu of idk pickles mayo from eggs and etc and also make eatser cake out of easter eggs and also more thign slike more htgin sin bags like coffee beans or grinded up coffee etc and also mixes of things like hotchocolate mix etc and also more things like all kinds of things baking soda ive wondered where that was and vitimins and etc to get perfecto food-o and more villager personalitys and etc like lets learn some reactions well we cna leanr alo fo hting sfromt thme but here smsot cmomon fromt hemlike reactions from cranky are death threat et c thign scranky people do big sister is tiktok cronge fortnite etc normal any lazy nap/lydown etc preivous reactions from before preivous games from new 14 year old personalitys new reatctions like cry kill self post cronge send [redacted] to your bftiktok songs eat phlorox or somehting or what ever that meme was saying kids after break up be like and also stuff like assholes can teach you sucker punch step on lego fap etc and jerk perosnaltiy can teach you flip finger stomp like a baby xbox kid can teach you cussing [redacted] word temper tantrum/sit cry and pout etc and snooty can teach you no yes ect geustures and lean rmroe reacitons like geustures and etc and also leanr mroe things like etc stuff emotes and more more costom design pro and tec like costom design pro2.0 with new cosotm thign slike pants furnature etc and stuff and etc more to the construction vheicle set like cranes and more and also and mroe rleiaistc thgins use shelfs andput things on them and etc more types of gyroids like detroid it sounds like guns from america and also metroid sounds like sounds from pure hell android sounds like android openingtheme celoid sounds like supercell old battery ads which i think im the only one that remembers timmoid sounds like little timmys having a big tantrum wioid sounds likea baby crying and terrosim in the bg bfoid soundslike bf and more songs like k.k rap2.0(lyrics: i slammed my penith in the cardoor chorus: he slammed his penith in the car door k.k: gansta paraise screams oof: oof song ends) k.k funkin1(tomnook: sings bopeebo k.k: taking bfs roll luna: taking gfs place ) 2(timmyandtommy: taking skid and pumps place jack: taking lemon demons place )3(redd: taking picos place)4(isabelle: taking mm place)5(parents are cyrus and reese lemondemon is blanca this time)6(thatpervertedclownfromfailboatsvideo: senpais place taken eyea: taking spiritsplace) and on mew/newgrounds=7(kidcat: taking tankmans place otherracer/warguys: taking others place) k.kdivider(lyrics: by looking at the side of the tempered glass you can distinguish the refraction and WAAAAAAAAAAAaaa-) and also the new peronsality voices and etc like xbox kid sounds like bambi 14yearold sounds like meri lol assholes voices sound like farts jerks sounds like barney the dinosaur lol and also k.krecorder(recordercoverplaylistbtwnowyoucanmakeplaylistsbutthisisasongocllelctionwhciyoucanmakesongsandsongcollecitonsnowtoo: recorder cover of furret walk levan polka etc ) etc and more patterns and etc you can unlock from people sables patterns ar eunique labels are more unique sable has simple patterns like normal spirals checkers stars etc kicks also gives some as kicks and gracie and harret have mad ehtere own shops where gracie helps you with your no harriet helps you with your look gracie helsp with clothing kciks does pattners well all of them do patterns and also store patterns again and kicks does special offers and so the patterns from kicks are like well baislcy more vairaety of patterns and town theme liet motifs and etc and what they sound like and etc so size btw new info on characters and etc characters sizes can determine aolto of thgins but now the actualy take up more space small characters like niko could fit under the bed big characters like wardell take up a 2.5 by 2.5 fatterass wendell takes up 3by3 robot hero nwo take sup 4by4 godzillas more relasitc taking up 5by5 lottie and other otters wellt hey seem fine they ar eliekant eaters and etc/unique traits may take up more space and cats and dogs both take up a vayrgin by species spot if its a small breed they take up small spaces like niko and if its mediium it take sup like form small as the frogs or mice or short vilalegrs to the player big ones like mainecoons take up 1by1 one whole space and greatdanes holy sh*t they are huge ive had one they take up 1by theigh tof 3 and lenght of 2 sounds like my great dane and kittens like katie how ever take up half a space reaosn whgy wardell takes up 2.5by2.5 is hes chonk thats all whales do to so to be fair wardell your only 2 by 2 flick wth bugnet will be like 1.5 by 1.5 simlair to cj with fishing rod and other characters with decals and etc now the size rleates to the length/tone of the leitmotif and etc avyirng by the caus eof sound arys ht eleit motif example of some new sinsutrments when viisntg new islandsor what ever manatees like wardell/big ones exampel wardells insturment is wlel isnturments can vary and etc but usual deafult and etc like wardells is but sung by sans cuz why not jack is skid and pump sing it lol blanca is muted as she has no face to sing cats are that cursed cat piano dogs are dog song/mario paint dog liek how tigers are mario paint cats wolfs are gabe barking to it lions are megalovania soundfont panthers are bigshot sound font foxes are world revolving sound font racoons like tomnook are well btw smaller veriosnnf o character sleike bear and bear cubs share same its just difrent/oppsiite tone or what ever same for genderswaps wher eits oppisite/difrentetc and thatmeans cows/bulls/caths are tuba koalas are woodblocks pandas are bamboo panflute people are links ocorina thing close enough i geuss santas elfs are jingle bells same for jingle lol reindeer are noelles theme soundfont sam efor deer and moose and etc kitsunes are like remixes of foxes/mythological /irmprove verisons of characters are remixes farley is youve ben gnomed sound font bears are flippys voice why not mice are slide whistle squirrels are whistles chipmunks being baiscly smaller squirrels i geuss so have like difrent exept its being like recorder ferrets are furret walk soundfont pokemon pokemon cries exept for sobble then thats litteraly crying f in the chat f hamsters are trumpets guinea pigs being baislcy bigger and gerbisl being baiscly smaller are well idk and horses are banjo and zebras well they are kinda like horses so lets just use cajons same can be said for donkeys and mules and ponys and etc and also if they have difrnet aperences example sheeps are usualy guitars but pietro the clown is a sheep and a clown so what do we do we add carnival as the baseline and raymond looks like hes in the office so its using nows yoru chance to be a big shot theme and tangy looks like a orange so the baseline will be anoying orange dying and lucky looks like turns otu hes not a mummy from egypt hes dead so it will be coffin dance as bass line ankha is from egypt tho so egyptine bassline judy looks like a anime school girl so uh oh why cant i escape from ddlc meme ideas why why stop it stop stop nooooooooo dmca stops it phew uses fnf mod version instead NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-ded and ankha havign egyptian music is um better than what i oriignality intended what is the ankha zone anyway-everyone you dont wanna know kai i knwo its you get friended zones sans aperes you mean "befriended" right everyone turns to sans thats kinda sus sans was ejected and now you wknow hwta hty eloook liek cna detemrine the bassline and if they are otters they sound like isle delfino music and perosnalitys cna detiemrine tempo and etc and other sound sof the music and bunnys sound like trombones we had to have it at somepoint to go with the brass family rabbits and rats are like big ol bunnys and mice right so they share same but difrent tones and also mr resetti sounds like whitty screaming that fits him very well don resetti sounds like idk other moles exept viccous vole vinnie who sounds like tricky saying the nword and crygin and fliqpy killing in backgorund and pure hell brekaing loose don resetti sounds like sousaphone so does larry the cucumber frogs sound like flutes goats sound like asriel monkes sound like dk rap same for gorillas well gorillas are like big monkeys righ tso it will be deeper exept niko whos tiny and has higher pitch lloid and gyroids sound like well lloids a happy glad to help boi so he will sound liek spongebob singing best day ever exept other gyroids they vary alloids sound like use au lloids exist and alloids sound like so emtalic and othe rgryoids biaslcy sodun like what they are cephalapods sound like saxophone and chickens and all kdins of brids etls jsu tsee bird species in general like brass family wind family and also ant eaters and armidillos and other thgins that you dont see everyday sound like percusion and keyboard family for stuff that you suualy find on safaris like kangaroos and etc and stuff and etc yeahi shwoed some yeah etc


new thgin asnad characters and etc like kai he is a very special character hes me and he give sspeical tiem svayring if the item is out of season to where hes from yes you can viist kais kaiverse or new pocke timdneison ro somethign kidna like harvs island you get limits varying by the teir of your pass he gives you a starter pass and it can be upgraded vayring which we get to later so example kai likes pinecones and thats true giving kai pinecones he will buy pinecoins for 1000bells thats alot and acorn and other otu of season/seasonal items he will acept giving him mushrooms irl i have a phobia of mushrooms like those weired phobias kinda so i will have a stroke and die if you give me a mushroom making it so you can never visit again then the brasil mafia avenges kai causing the apacolypses his bambi friends will burn your town down expunged makes you run at 1fps picos going to kill you pure hell breaks lose until kai says you did that for nothing im not dead im immortal so then you just thats a free way of restarting unless you give kai therapy then he wil acept them judgin by how used to his problems he has he will slowly pay you more handsomely payment and giving him a raymond amiibo he will give you 1trillion bells and then tomnook once you visit him saying hello yes the abd is overfull it will explode in 5 minutes defuse it put the money in your closet/shed do something before we all die 5 minute time starts you must find siccors and etc and also etc stuff and ugpradess foryour pass wooden teir pass use soft wood for more expanins etc just make your pass better and also more things like more lore and etc like the duck cult and etc the duck cult eats people and thats true and etc and also kai can have more purposes he said he sent out more people to help in a day after giving him a beeg pinecone which is a huge pinecone which is very rare you unlock a few more things like lloid shows up at your house saying the kai loan yes kai owns tomnook now dont ask how many turnips he bought ok heres the kailoan for more unlocking thgins so now you can hav emany difrent currency loans like for bells example getting a you acutlay start with a nookpod and now you cna upgrade to nookphone with 10000 bells and upgrade to nookpad an dote rh nookdevices that are mobile using 5 digit numbers and then what unlocks is now from nookpod to nookphone more storage for downlaoding apps and etc like everything is buffed and new apps like apps screen/quick acess to everything and infermeter becomes normaleter whhc mesure shting ssuch as durability at all times for eveyrhting without chekcing where the shovel/pick up rnage will go and etc and find much more and also some mroe thgins like supermeter from nookpad having well yosu tart with nookp3player and upgrade rto nookpod where youg et this stuff and nookphone has super meter which has more things added like how hungry you are how thirsytyes thristy yous ee thrisy takes hits for hunger and also mroe htgins like your hp and etc more things like dimesions and realms and aus like doom eternal you ask and shall recieve in kailand and doomcrossing/chaotic collab and etc like nether and more mairusu said he wants more refrenc echaracters like a vilager thatlooks like susie and etc so why not add more to that so now susie will be a dinosaur villager with bigsister personality as thats most eays to trigger one we can think of and noelle being a reindeer villager with shy personality and ralsei with happi personality ralsei you can tell its goat vilager and also berdly being a bird with the asshole personality lancer being a um uhhhhh hmmmmmm object based on a spade/polter giest object idk with cool personality and more bonuses kris with normal personality asriel with idk well etc stuff and much more and also more aps on your nook phone like nookpad is the next upgrade btw with new things besides upgrades and etc like you saw room sketch now island sketch and also stuff like nookmiles program and nookmail/email internet browser/nookle nookhub dont ask but its also gonna be come a normal help hub too not just other problems based on that one scene from failboats video where failboat got locked in a bedroom with a guy with a shirt in orange and black saying nookhub as failboat lol-ed beyond possibilitys of infinteness and and also more apps too like item detector and byper infer equilivent to hyper meter which has more stuffadded to measure like how many bugs caught today deaths flowers and etc essentials and total of items in invontory and also more stuff like on next upgrade for nooklet are stonkmarkeet and you cna see prices of turnips and funrature beign sosld today and other shops info and etcand more things like discord even used to chat with villagers exmaples fo how it starts with characters and etc cranky villagers /old villagers being like a boomer/unprepared for yougnvillagers/jock/peppyvillagers prepared and right up to camera for snooty/smug having preset everything ready and fully prepared raymond has to look fancy now dosent he 14yearold/xbox kid using cronge start ups and faking disorders and etc cronge bigsister villagers if they were my sister they would rpobably fake disorders and be child adults lol for lazyandnormal they werent preparded but still didnt get it as bad as old villagers meanandjerks they have user name with xml and they said it stands for xtra mega lovablethanyou and assholesandtwitterpeoplesandtoxic they just disocnnect and froce you to use chat if you do hack there cmaeras they show them dogin somehtign sus 4chanuser dont ask i cant say without being cancelled etc and also we need more toy themed villagers to keep stitches company why not a cat toy themed villager like garfield buzzerbzzzzt sound nope not that hmmmmmmm idk lol uhhhhhhh kapi bzzzzzzt um uhhhhhhh nyancat eh close enough ok and also now more things like we have good phrases why not bad catch phrases like gruncle stan being its only illegal when you get caught meme insert here and more and also more tings like more nookupgrades once 5 digits are done you can go to 6 digits for mreo like chromenook pun on chromebook and tomnook and so the chromenook can also now it cna be sued as furnature like all ft hem and in mobiela nd etc and it gets mroe stuff like more app storage on one thing and nookmusic/play own music for background and minigameswhich we get to later nes and other games you get as emulators wardells catologue on line etc and for the net xupgrade being nookbook like netbook instead and gos on wikipedia to find more devices to base things off of hmmmmm more thigns like you can get on here like costomv illagermaking and etc and more/costom character s an d chnagng lokks and mroe /fahsinon app and the next upgrade smartnook it can do more things like cyouve heard of construcitond esigner now for consturcitond esigner + upgrade you can make rocks beaches oasises lava etc and more and make own industrys/facilitys and more and ultranook with rdddit being baisicly the buoiliten board online but sequel/bulleten board you cna do more like on the reddit board you can get upvotes and more and also stuff like anouncements and more and ultra mobile pc when fusing your phones with the ultrabook so ultra mobile nookpc and then it has so much more upgrades like notebook much more and also quicktravel easy and more quikc saves and more and quick loads then upgrade that to get a 2 in one and it unlocks more things like nookflex where you can watch minimovies ndad movies and also rewatch cutscenes again and photo storage tabletop nooklet upgrades too like table top and phabnooklet with more upgrade sin total some stuff like creative mode but ti smore liek construcitondeigner and sutff and also home sketch for whole intire home and much more and also stuff like debtpayoffer online/abd online storage online and more and also more nook devices look on wikipedia we willhave consoels and so much more like all of the possible like some nook devices mobile or not even smarttvs that are nook even the nookulator and much more like all kinds of things lol and all kindsof things and etc and also get more jobs like and have multiple like store owner etc and also more rpod esigns/other cosotm desing pattern thigns and etc and also more things like hanky he gives side quests examples he can apere on dodo islands where he gives you side quests of catching a certan fish/bug/etc after doing so he gives rewards like poorly drawn set uno deck dos deck and skipbo and tres as other costomisation patterns monopoly board *static* *hello kids i always see you - golden scrap trap* and more and also on special islands you find he can give you more side quest slike colect # of fruit or something then he gives you stuff like hankyen which are a currency to get his shop after cppmopleting 10 side quests he opens a shop on happy home paradise and we get tot hat later and also mroe thgins he can give you is like animatornic suits bfs mic rapbattle for no reason teleporter opacitator etc gadtes and kappns islands varying by island like collect # of seasonal items you can get rewarded with stuff like for fall items you can get ruins texture stuff and undertale texture stuff for seaosnal items like snowflakes pinecones summmer shells and cherry blossom leafs but other ones like young spring bamboo acorns non natie season stuff etc can get you stuff like so thos eitem s ar eothe rworldthings and you can get stuff like majic conch shell which can bea comunication device and a conch shell which when listened too you can get fortunes or unlock things and get soundscapes per conch like sonunsscapes you can unlock are mii plaza wii mall/shop /store wallmart dennys sus/amongus on skeld then mira then airship then polus submerged etc and also stuff like snowstorm sleet hail rain ontin roof rain ontent other white noise brown noise fnaf music mcdonalds canada/peaceful brasil brazil mafia jail roiting toppatclan helicoptor plane etc stuff lol etc and also more soundscapes like dungeons fishign up crates like in terraria you can get all kindsof thgins when checking them like for wood teir in soft phase you can find materials then minerals in normal wood pahse hardwood for new furnature and etc stone teir for stuff like vlauabels and etc and also stuff like more thgins you can do like uhh hmmm need to think of more i know reading the books/magazines/etc and also use for alot of things like tiny library can stor eyour books you knwot hos eillusion walls after you obtain from hanky the opacitator you can explore in those illusions like manga library and magazine library comic library and librarys to find those items and also find more hidden stuff within your homes like what a box whats in it it says leave books once you leave books you get rewards left behind like mc bookshelf bigge rbooks fat book thicc book beeg beeg book other size books and enchanted books tomes and more books and for manga places you can find eveyr manga you give to get more htigns and also with those ne wbooks btw you cna upgra delbibrary swhich we ge toto youc na get toehr stage for othe rlibrarys tiny librarys are all compact and mae for bookshelf but it has more storage so thicc/fat/beeg beeg library has beegbeeg/fat/thicc bookshelfs an books which wehn youc an find more rewards per upgrade like encoyclopedia/hint guide and dictonary for special chat features and how diolog works like normal words are just casual talking this si subtitles wise and etc and upper case letters are better pronounciation and - in between is pronouncing it italic means mutteirng bold means yelling upper caebol means yellinglouder big letters means screaming or yelling and small eltter smena shwispering grey letters means talking toself and red letters means threatening aura -----/long line at the end means that word is being said longer times and what the f*ck is happening to my wifi NO YOU WILL NOT ACT UP RIGHT NOW WHY DOES MY DAD HAVE TO PIRATE sh*t ALL THE TIME AND NOW ITS sh*tTY QUALITY wait nvm its back to normal now ... i hope *static_dont worry kai youl be fine i hope* thanks uncle pennybags and also _ means they are pausing inbetween ... means silence ...... means longe rsilence etc: means the charatc erihw tnma ebefore is talking stirke through means mis pronounciation and corrected othe rmisropronounciations are reverse italic and super script means p.s like thing suber script means notice and etc and () means the definition if your dumb [] means sic perosnaly i dont fully understand what that means {} means important note blue means important meaning to ityellow means key notice green means hidden meaning/advanced othe roclro coded thgins are specialand etc and messed up eltters means mocking and long repeated eltters means pronuncing longer and etc and etc htgins youc na leanr form the dictionary and recipie book it gets updated eveyr dya and ebooksandmore and also wires and etc eletricity stuff you can make and more stuff like with opacitator the galaxy walls and flooring you can be in space now and immortal and also you can epxlor eot find hidden things like a shadow clone of your world which will acknowoledge and get special tiems and cloudy verisons are same but now you cna fly and find brutus the anit piracy dogs hide out and in screen walls yiuc an go outside into the anime like place for dojo screensand etc lean relemntal powers what fire does is let you burn htigns/trahs htigns water to walk onit to ge tacross to go pass the boarder and earth to terraform even better and air to get unlimtied breathing and etc and etc and also the outdoor lookgin otusdooor liek thgins you can find special buildings inw itner seasons and etc you get idk igloos and etc and all kinds of things i cant descirb eth shelf looking walls you get more storage etc and etc and minigames too like monopoly supe rmonopoly no infe rmonopoly th en infer sinfer monopoly/mega monopoly super monopoly monopoly ultimate 2.0 with another layer and much more and etc and also use for more thigns like pylons areanoying villagers being a pain in the ass now set pylon stay away non owner radious to random numbers and etc and also tetris cuz why not and more stuff liek visiting a reimagine of my animal crossing save file form new horizons reimagined some of the areas like the therapy zone somewhere in my houses costom yard there is a therapy lounge is what i clal it which is actualy a birch log garden lounge with a premade design pillow and there is a seat not too far where you get therapy from none other than ... frisk yep frisk one of my characters is frisk i made frisk yep so frisk will give you therapy and new things added like now goign to my houses basem*nt into kai dojo you can interact with kai who tells you funfacts and other things to talk about like(kai[animalcrossing]: did you know when i fart after or during im not feeling good it smells like rotten corn and thats a real fact belive it or not when kai was scripting this he was on the sh*tter right now idk why my farts are like that but once you smell them i feel like im gonna die , ok lets talk about papalouie games when i play them usualy on my alt i ruin everyones day to piss them off so papalouie gets arrested for drafting children to work , have you ever heard of among us you need to vent i know it will be hard for you to be sus but you can do it , etc ) and also more things and also all kinds of things and stuff and also more stuff like new things like little details such as and more things like who made the robot villagers the duck cult presumably did and robot villagers like meow bow cephalabot del ribbot sprocket each with difrent purposes and also robot villagers that are metalic makeelectricity sounds that are stone like or something make cog sounds that ar ejust plain technology make phone chirping/ringtone like dial like sounds and for other seemingly artificial villagers like and also so exmaple clay villagerslike well clay makeidk rocky sounds coco a wood like vilager or cork or something or terracotta canmake simlair to those sounds hopkins/balloon bunny idk they make deflating sounds then die and also otherwise well um hmmm who made the othter artificial villagers like stitcheswho makes stuffed sounds and theywere presumbalby made by eyea.exe along with clay and coco and other material themed villagers hopkins meanwhile presumably made by death to replace the dead bodys they were made along with hey bud noone else is like you i checkedall of f*cking nookipedia and there is nomore BALLOOOOOOONZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ *cries as ive just made something probably useless*... *and waisted time*fine then camofrog your nolonger normal your a artificla war unit made by death itself to stop gulliver from acidently summoning herobrines evil twin vizbrine from brasil *technical dificultys please stand by* idk lol probably a hitman idk and also who created the food villagers probably sussy he needed some sacrifices food villagers he made oneslike fruits examples tangy uhhh thats the only fruit villager i know and want the amiibo for darn itionlyhave all of the new rare villagersbefore i even got the amiibos but no tangy darn it well uh tangy oh cherry i have cherry I SENT HER TO ANTI BRASIL/location on happy home paradise that snowy area with the incline and the fences damnitherewe go back to the wiki oh i know apple exists i saw it on someones stream fruity emphisis on fruit uh thats all ican think of meanwhile amogus tilesmade other fruti villagerslike anchovy angus and the others likeuh creeper tiles made tia cheddar truffles what the wither tiles made was stu kinda sounds like stew cupcake carrot and the skeleton/wither skeleton tiles made bisket etc and also btw more stuff like more types of villagers also youc an hear difrent sound svarying by villager elts see some more lore is marlo a crime boss yes the manager of the racoon goons that tomnook hired and also more stuff like lets see some more lore why did the facilitys in happy home paradise get shut down well cuz lyle got arrested for perfect tax evasion and was sent to brasil also where does raymond work at as his main job he works in the office at nookh[redacted]b hq meanwhile other office villagers work at other places like nooktube nookflex nookazon etc also any cross over villagers/fanmadecrossovers or what ever yes freddy fazbear as a bear and idk what were even doing anymore and also more stuff like bonnie and more characters from other things like well idk also uhhhhh who is zipper actualy whats under that zipper well its none other than peta they are the purpleguy of animalcrossing peta not just real life one but the evil representation used in kais media and etc / potrayed as a demonic entity who is a mass animal abuser and serial killer who exposes kids to bad thigns like real life peta and for somereason still isnt officialy cancelled/banned once you finaly gt rid of the zipper its a new event triggered/the petaverse not like metal verse no thats just general abuse this is animal abuse oh and serial killing you can travel there with everyone to team up to stop them to deafet peta a cold heartless monster and the roles of the team you the main character tomnook mascot marlo the weapons expert kabuki the brawler raymond the brains isabelle the medic redd the speed fighter digby the distraction lloid the purifyer or cure role / witch doctor tangy the sacrifice lyle the sceintist pietro the entertainer staticthe chef niko the sharp shooter lottie the defense brewster the guy who starves himself for us blathers the arial attacker celeste the offense del the demolitonist blanca the leader rover the right hand man meow the look out bow the repair man jack the child timmy the hero tommy the warrior lucky thelucky boomer the first blood cephalabot no boomers the veteran cephalabots the first blood sprocket is trickster able sisters backup ribbot the other that one dog that gave us the golden shovel one time the mage leif green thumb random furry that [redacted]s off to rouge the bat the imposter etc wardell the guy who dies first and before that the meat shield hdiing in his backfat

Animal crossing new worlds(fangame/official by demos/jokeish/idea not canon to other side of 4th wall but i hope it does) (2024)


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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.